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Catalyse / formulations catalytiques

Le laboratoire

Institut de Chimie et Procédés pour l'Energie, l'Environnement et la Santé

École Européenne Chimie Polymères et Matériaux (ECPM)
25, rue Becquerel
67087 STRASBOURG Cedex Tel : 33 (0) 3 90 24 27 22 (secrétariat)

Directeur : Cuong PHAM HUU (DR CNRS)

Autres chercheurs impliqués :

Compétences :  http://icpees.unistra.fr/

Fiche de compétences du LMSPC

Les travaux dans RÉALISE de 2007 à 2014

Trois domaines d’étude seront donc développés. Ils concerneront : -i) l’activité et la stabilité des catalyseurs requises pour les procédés de remédiation; - ii) la sélectivité des catalyseurs, qui contribue à la prévention des pollutions par l'évitement de sous-produits de réaction; et –iii) la durée de vie des catalyseurs, liée à l’aspect économique des procédés.

Les travaux conduits dans un contexte international visent à diminuer la teneur en métaux précieux des catalyseurs et à développer les aspects préventifs et curatifs des catalyseurs vis-à-vis des polluants (chimie verte). On ira ainsi jusqu’à supprimer ces métaux au profit de l’utilisation de nouveaux matériaux catalytiques : nanomatériaux à structures carbonées ou oxydes mixtes à composition définie. Pour cela, il s’agira de mieux connaître et comprendre l’activité des oxydes.

Afin d’accroître activité, sélectivité et durée de vie des catalyseurs de nouveaux axes scientifiques seront développés comme la réalisation de l’acte catalytique selon une procédure de catalyse assistée, procédé novateur, mal connu, prometteur et correspondant à une rupture technologique. Le LMSPC vient d’obtenir une Chaire d’Excellence dans le domaine de l’électrocatalyse afin de développer ce domaine de recherche où l’ajout d’électrons doit modifier les interactions entre molécules adsorbées lors de la réaction catalytique.

Par ailleurs l’utilisation de photons irradiant la surface de catalyseurs conduit à une nouvelle forme d’activation catalytique. Des études sont entreprises en photocatalyse pour la dégradation des polluants, des bactéries et la dissociation de l’eau avec formation de H2 et O2.

Enfin avec le développement de la nanotechnologie, les nanotubes de carbone ainsi que les oxydes mésoporeux sont de nouveaux supports de catalyseurs où les réactifs se trouvent en milieu confiné. Cette contrainte stérique conduit à l’obtention de nouvelles sélectivités catalytiques.

L’aspect développement de nouvelles énergies sera étudié selon deux directions :

  • l'une vise à une meilleure compréhension des processus liés aux piles à combustible. En effet, beaucoup de travaux restent à faire pour ce qui concerne ces convertisseurs d’énergie, qui fournissent de l’électricité, de l’eau et de la chaleur à partir d’hydrogène et d’oxygène. Ne perdons pas de vue que l’hydrogène deviendra un carburant significatif dans les années à venir. Les activités menées en électrocatalyse sont au cœur de ce défi scientifique.
  • l’autre aspect est lié à l’utilisation et à la valorisation de la biomasse afin d’obtenir le gaz de synthèse (CO + H2) qui peut être soit brûlé dans les turbines à gaz pour produire de l’énergie soit utilisé dans la synthèse Fischer-Tropsch pour obtenir des hydrocarbures « verts » ou du méthanol « vert ». Ceci contribue donc à réduire les émissions de CO2 provenant de l’utilisation de l’énergie fossile.

Enfin, dans le but de contribuer à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre liées aux transports, deux axes de recherche seront étudiés. L’un concernera l’aspect « moteur », car les rendements moteur étant limités, toutes les avancées technologiques permettant d’augmenter ces rendements amélioreront la consommation des véhicules ; des études sur l’isomérisation et la désaromatisation des hydrocarbures seront entreprises. L’autre axe sera focalisé sur l’aspect biocarburant. Mais dans les deux cas une étude de la valorisation du CO2 sera abordée. Ce type de réaction a été très peu étudié pour l’instant.

Article : Production d'hydrogène dans les moteurs pour baisser la consommation de carburant

Thèses en cours

Liu XiaoJie, «  Insertion de nanoparticules magnétiques dans les nanotubes de carbone. Etude de leurs propriétés magnétiques, de transport et catalytiques ».  Direction  D. Bégin.  Début : décembre 2011

Ba Housseinou , « Développement des catalyseurs à base de carbone pour le procédé de déshydrogénation de l’éthylbenzène en styrène ». Direction Cuong Pham Huu. 2012 - 2015

Viet Cuong Duong " Synthèse et mise en forme des catalyseurs « sans métaux » à base de nanotubes de carbone dopés à l’azote, et leur applications dans les procédés d’oxydation sélective". Direction Cuong Pham Huu. 2012-2015

Wen Luo   " Etude du réseau réactionnel pour le reformage à la vapeur d' alcool sur des catalyseurs de ZnO". Direction Spiros Zafeiratos.  2012 - 2016

Ducamp Julien, « Optimisation énergétique, chimique et technologique d’un réacteur-échangeur innovant pour l’hydrogénation du dioxyde de carbone en hydrocarbure de synthèse à partir d’hydrogène électrolytique ». Direction François Garin. 2012 - 2015  

Roge Vincent, « Etude, fabrication et caractérisation de nano-structures catalytiques de type noyau/enveloppe intégrées à des membranes mésoporeuses modèles pour la dépollution."Direction François Garin. 2012 - 2015


Thèses 2007-2013


Ouanassa Guellati, « Synthèse de nanotubes de carbone alignés mono et/ou multifeuillets sur différents types de supports ». Soutenue le 16 novembre 2013. Direction D. Bégin.

Yufeng Liu, «  Catalyseurs à base de cobalt supporté sur carbure de silicium et nanocarbones pour la synthèse Fischer Tropsch ». Soutenue le 16 sept 2013  Directeur de thèse : Cuong Huu. 


De Tymowski Benoît, "Synthèse de Fischer Tropsch sur support conducteur à base de carbure de silicium". Soutenue le  14 sept 2012. Directeur de thèse : Cuong Pham Huu. 

Zamboni Corredor Ingrid, "Préparation et étude de systèmes catalytiques Fe/CaO performants pour la pyrolyse/gazéification de la biomasse". Soutenue le 22 juillet 2012. Directeurs de thèse : C. Courson, A. Kiennemann .


Alonso Tellez Angela, « Oxydation d'H2S sur des photocatalyseurs à base de Ti02 ». Soutenue le 8 juillet 2011.  Directeurs de thèse : N. Keller et D. Robert  

Kambiz Chizari, « Synthèse de nanotubes de carbone dopés à l'azote : applications en catalyse ». Soutenue le 17 mai 2011. Directeur de thèse : Cuong Pham Huu.

Mirella Virginie, « Elaboration et développement d’un catalyseur Fe/olivine pour le vaporéformage de molécules modèles de goudrons formés lors de la gazéification de la biomasse ». Soutenue en mai 2011. Directeur de thèse :A. Kiennemann.

Ocampo Fabien, « Développement de catalyseurs pour la réaction de méthanation du dioxyde de carbone ». Soutenue le 18 novembre 2011. Directeur de thèse :  A.-C Roger.

Shabnam Hajesmaili, « Photocatalyse sur mousses tridimensionnelles ». Soutenue le 1er juillet  201.  Directeur de thèse :  Dominique Bégin.


Adrien Deneuve, 1er octobre 2010, « Synthèse et caractérisation de supports de catalyseurs nano-macro à base de carbone et carbure de silicium- application à l’oxydation catalytique du sulfure d’hydrogène en soufre élémentaire ».

Luca Di Felice,  28 avril 2010 « Capture de CO2 et reformage catalytique des goudrons produits par le procédé de gazéification de la biomasse en lit fluidisé »


Djeddi  Amel : Etude des mécanismes de réactions de désaromatisation.  21 décembre 2009.

Laugel Guillaume : Catalyse d’oxydation totale à basse température. 26 juin 2009. Co-direction : A. Kiennemann et F. Garin

Auber Maud «Pyrolyse-gazéification de la biomasse : maîtrise de la structure ainsi que des conditions thermiques et catalytiques pour une sélectivité donnée.», août 2009.

Drebine Lamia : Influence des dopants sur l’activité en synthèse de Fischer-Tropsch des catalyseurs à base de cobalt supportés sur béta-SiC (juillet  2009).

Azizi Yassine : Influence des propriétés de surface d’oxydes mixtes sur l’anctrage des particules d’or : applications dans des réactions catalytiques d’oxydation et d’hydrogénation de l’acétylène. 27 avril 2009. Direction : V. Pitchon.


Chan Thaw Carine, Etude des réactions de contact des alcanes sur des catalyseurs acides solides. « Sulfated zirconia deactivation during n-butane isomerization : an in situ UV-vis-NIR spectroscopic study » 20 novembre 2008

Yang  Jianming, février 2008, « Etude expérimentale et théorique du vieillissement de catalyseurs d’oxydation de CO utilisés dans le traitement de la dépollution automobile ».

Lacroix Maxime, Thèse d’Université: Optimisation des catalyseurs à base de cobalt supportés sur SiC pour la synthèse de Fischer-Tropsch en mode lit fixe.

Rakotovelo G., Etude ab initio du comportement de surfaces de BaTiO3 en présence d’air et de vapeur d’eau. Directeur de thèse P. Légaré

Vanhaecke Estelle, Thèse d’Université: Combustion catalytique des suies Diesel sur catalyseurs à base de métaux nobles supportés sur carbure de silicium. Soutenance prévue le 11 Janvier 2008.


Haroun Mohamed F., Thèse ULP, 14/11/2007, Simulation numérique de l’activation du méthane sur la surface (111) du nickel idéale et avec un « adatome ».

Articles à Comité de Lecture 2007-2014


Baaziz W, Phuoc L.T., VietC.D. , Melinte G., Janowska I., Papaefthimiou V., Ersen O.,Zafeiratos S., Begin D., Begin-Colin S., Pham-Huu C.Few Layer Graphene Decorated with Homogeneous Magnetic Fe3O4 Nanoparticles with Tunable Covering Densities. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (8) 1014) 2690 - 2700

D.L. Wu, V. Tschamber, L. Limousy, L. Michelin, A. Westermann, B. Azambre, I. Fechete, F. Garin, «A combined study in fixed-bed reactor and in-situ DRIFTS of NO adsorption on a NSR catalyst in the presence of water», Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2014, Accepté.


Cretu O., Botello-Mendez A. R., Janowska I., Pham-Huu C., Charlier J. C., Banhart F. Electrical conductivity measured in atomic carbon chains. Nano Letters, 13, 3487-3493, 20

Florea I., Liu Y., Ersen O., Meny C., Pham-Huu C. TEM-EELS to investigate the structure-activity relationship in the Fischer-Tropsch catalyst. ChemCatChem, 5, 2610-2620, 2013.

Garnier, S. Sall, F. Garin, M.J. Chetcuti, C. Petit. Site effects in the adsorption of carbon monoxide on real 1.8 nm Pt particules :  an infrared investigation in time and temperature.  J. of molecular catalysis A, 373 (2013) 127-134

Jingjie Luo, W. Chu, S. Sallet C. Petit. Facile Synthesis of monodispersed Au nanoparticles- coated on Stöber Silica.  Colloids and Surfaces A: 425 (2013) 83-91

Liu Y., Dintzer Th., Ersen O., Pham-Huu C. Fischer-Tropsch synthes-alumina decorated with carbon nanotubes catalyst. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 22, 279-289, 2013.

Liu Y., de Tymowski B., Florea I., Ersen O., Meny Ch., Nguyen P., Pham Ch., Luck F., Pham-Huu C. Titania decorated silicon carbide containing cobalt as a high efficient catalyst for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. ACS Catalysis, 3, 393-404, 2013.


A.Boulaoued, I.Fechete,B. Donnio , M. Bernard, P. Turek, F. Garin. Mo/KIT-6, Fe/KIT-6 and Mo-Fe/KIT-6 as new types of heterogeneous catalysts for the conversion of MCP». Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 155, 131-142, (2012)

A.Djeddi , I. Fechete , F. Garin. Conversion of methylcyclopentane (MCP) on Pt/MoO2, Ir/MoO2 and Pt-Ir/MoO2 catalysts. Catalysis Communications, 17, 173-178, (2012)

A.Djeddi , I. Fechete , F. Garin. Selective ring opening of methylcyclopentane over Pt/γ-Al2O3, Ir/γ-Al2O3, Pt-Ir/γ-Al2O3 catalysts with hydrogen at atmospheric pressure. Applied Catalysis A: General, 413-414, 340-349, (2012)

A.Djeddi , I. Fechete , F. Garin. Selective ring opening of methylcyclopentane over titania-supported monometallic (Pt,Ir) and   bimetallic (Pt-Ir) catalysts. Topics in Catalysis, 55, 700-709  (2012)

S.Haddoum, I. Fechete , B. Donnio, F. Garin, D. Lutic, C. Chitour.  Fe-TUD-1 for the preferential rupture of the substituted C-C bond of methylcyclopentane (MCP).  Catalysis Communications, 17, 141-147, (2012)

J. Klein, I. Fechete, V. Bresset, F. Garin and V. TSchamber.  Effect Of Carbon Black Combustion On Nox Trap Catalyst Performances” , Catalysis Today, 189 (1)(2012) 60-64


M. Araque, J. C. Vargas, Y. Zimmermann and A. C. Roger. Study of a CeZrCoRh mixed oxide for hydrogen production by ethanol steam reforming International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36 (2), 2011, 1491-1502.

A.G. Dedov, G.D. Nipan, A.S. Loktev, A.A. Tyunyaev, V.A. Ketsko, T.N. Koltsova, K. V. Parkhomenko and I. I. Moiseev. Oxidative coupling of methane: influence of the phase composition of silica-based catalysts. Applied catalysis A: General, 2011, sous presse.

L. Di Felice, C. Courson, P. U. Foscolo and A. Kiennemann. Iron and nickel doped alkaline earth catalysts for biomass gasification with simultaneous tar reformation and CO2 capture. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36 (9), 2011, 5296-5310.

El Berrichi, F.Z., Pham-Huu, C., Cherif, L., Louis, B., Ledoux, M.J. Benzoylation of anisole catalyzed by Ga/SBA-15 supported on carbon nanofibers composite. Catalysis Communications 12 (9), 2011,  790-793.

Deneuve A., Janowska I., Chizari K., Edouard D., Nguyen D. L. and Pham-Huu C. Bucky paper with improved mechanical stability made from vertically aligned carbon nanotubes for desulfurization process. Applied Catalysis A: General 400 (1-2), 2011, 230-237.

D. Dontsova, P. Steffanut, N. Keller, V. Keller and G. Decher. Photocatalytically active polyelectrolyte/ nanoparticle films for the elimination of a model odorous gas. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, sous presse, 2011

Edouard D. The Effective Thermal Conductivity for ‘‘Slim’’ and ‘‘Fat’’ Foams. AIChE  57 (6), 2011, 1646-1651.

Fechete, I., Donnio, B., Ersen, O., Dintzer, T., Djeddi, A. and Garin, F. Single crystals of mesoporous tungstenosilicate W-MCM-48 molecular sieves for the conversion of methylcyclopentane (MCP).  Applied Surface Science 257 (7), 2011, 2791-2800.

Florea, I., Roiban, L., Hirlimann, C., Tihay, F., Pham-Huu, C., Werckmann, J., Pham, C. and Ersen, O. 3D-TEM characterization of the porosity in nanoscaled materials: Application to catalysis.  Advanced Engineering Materials 13 (3), 2011, 122-127.

Grandcolas, M., Sinault, L., Mosset, F., Louvet, A., Keller and N., Keller, V. Self-decontaminating layer-by-layer functionalized textiles based on WO3-modified titanate nanotubes. Application to the solar photocatalytic removal of chemical warfare agents Applied Catalysis A: General, 391 (1-2), 2011, 455-467.

Janowska, I., Moldovan, M.-S., Ersen, O., Bulou, H., Chizari, K., Ledoux, M.J. and  Pham-Huu, C. High-temperature in situ HR-TEM investigation of platinum nanoparticles supported on few-layer grapheme. Nano Research 4(5), 2011, 511-521.

A. Horváth, G. Stefler, A. Kiennemann, A. Pietraszek and L. Guczi. Methane dry reforming with CO2 on CeZr-oxide supported Ni, NiRh and NiCo catalysts prepared by sol-gel technique: relationship between activity and coke formation. Catalysis Today 169 (1), 2011, 102-111.

Ivanova, S., Nitsch, X., Romero-Sarria, F., Louis, B., Centeno, M.A., Roger, A.C. and Odriozola, J.A. Ionic liquid protected heteropoly acids for methanol dehydration. Catalysis Today,2011, sous presse

Janowska I., Chizari K., Olivier J. H., Ziessel R., Ledoux M. J. and Pham-Huu C. A new recyclable Pd catalyst supported on vertically aligned carbon nanotubes for microwaves assisted Heck reaction. Comptes Rendus Chimie, sous presse, 2011.

I. Janowska D. Bégin, O Ersen, M.S. Moldovan,, K. Chizari, M.J. Ledoux, C. Pham−Huu. High yield graphene and few−layer graphene synthesis assisted by microwaves. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, sous presse, 2011

N. Keller, M.-N. Ducamp, D. Robert and V. Keller. Ethylene removal and fresh product storage: a challenge at the frontiers of chemistry. Towards an approach by photocatalytic oxidation.  Chemical Reviews, sur invitation, acceptée 2011

Kouamé, N.A., Robert, D., Keller, V., Keller, N., Pham, C. and Nguyen, P. Preliminary study of the use of β-SiC foam as a photocatalytic support for water treatment. Catalysis Today, 161(1), 2011, 3-7.

M. Kuras, P. Petit and C. Petit. Correlation between the characteristics of multi-wall carbon nanotubes and the structure of the metal oxides used as catalytic precursors for their production. Carbon 4 (9), 2011, 1453 –1461.

Lacroix, M., Dreibine, L., de Tymowski, B., Vigneron, F., Edouard, D., Bégin, D., Nguyen, P. and Pham-Huu, C. Silicon carbide foam composite containing cobalt as a highly selective and re-usable Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalyst. Applied Catalysis A: General 397 (1-2), 2011, 62-72.

M. Lafjah, N. Keller and V. Keller. Beta zeolite supported sol-gel TiO2 materials for gas phase photocatalytic applications. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186(2-3), 2011, 1218-1225.

R. Michel, S. Rapagnà, M. Di Marcello, P. Burg, M. Matt, C. Courson and R. Gruber. Catalytic steam gasification of Miscanthus X giganteus in fluidised bed reactor on olivine based catalysts. Fuel Processing Technology 92 (2011) 1169-1177.

R. Michel, S. Rapagnà, P. Burg, G. Mazziotti, Di Celso, C. Courson, T. Zimny, R. Gruber. Steam gasification of Miscanthus X Giganteus with olivine as catalyst. Production of syngas and analysis of tars (IR, NMR and GC/MS). Biomass and Bioenergy 35 (7), 2011, 2650-2658.

Nguyen D. L., Chizari K., Wang K., Houllé M., Janowska I., Moldovan S. M., Ersen O. and Pham-Huu C. Urchin-like self-supported carbon nanotubes. Material Letters 65 (15-16), 2011, 2482-2485.

F. Ocampo, Benoit Louis, L. Kiwi-Minsker, A.C. Roger. Effect of Ce/Zr composition and noble metal promotion on nickel based CexZr1-xO2 catalysts for carbon dioxide methanation. Applied Catalysis A: General 392, 2011, 36-44.

Papaefthimiou, V., Dintzer, T., Dupuis, V., Tamion, A., Tournus, F., Teschner, D. , Hävecker, M. , Knop-Gericke, A. , Schlögl, R. and Zafeiratos, S. When a metastable oxide stabilizes at the nanoscale: Wurtzite CoO formation upon dealloying of PtCo nanoparticles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2 (8), 2011, 900-904.

Papaefthimiou, V., Dintzer, T., Dupuis, V., Tamion, A., Tournus, F., Hillion, A., Teschner, D., Hävecker, M., Knop-Gericke, A., Schlögl, R., Zafeiratos, S. Nontrivial redox behavior of nanosized cobalt: New insights from ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron and absorption spectroscopies. ACS Nano 5 (3), 2011, 2182-2190.

A. Penkova, L. Bobadilla, S. Ivanova, M. I. Dominguez, F. Romero-Sarria, A.C. Roger, M. A. Centeno and J. A. Odriozola. Hydrogen production by methanol steam reforming on NiSn/MgO-Al2O3 catalysts: the role of MgO addition. Applied Catalysis A: General 392 (1-2), 2011, 184-191.

Penkova, A., Bobadilla, L., Ivanova, S., Domínguez, M.I., Romero-Sarria, F., Roger, A.C., Centeno, M.A. and Odriozola, J.A. Hydrogen production by methanol steam reforming on NiSn/MgO-Al 2O3 catalysts: The role of MgO addition. Applied Catalysis A: General 392 (1-2), 2011, 184-191.

Philippe, R., Lacroix, M., Dreibine, L., Pham-Huu, C., Edouard, D., Savin, S., Luck, F. and Schweich, D.Corrigendum to “Effect of structure and thermal properties of a Fischer-Tropsch catalyst in a fixed bed”. Catalysis Today 160 (1), 2011, 255-256.

A. Pietraszek, B. Koubaissy, A. C. Roger and A. Kiennemann. The influence of the support modification over Ni-based catalysts for dry reforming of methane reaction. Catalysis Today 2011, sous presse.

S. Rapagnà, M. Virginie, K. Gallucci, C. Courson, M. Di Marcello, A. Kiennemann and P. U. Foscolo. Fe/olivine catalyst for biomass steam gasification: preparation, characterization and testing at real process conditions. Catalysis Today, 2011, sous presse

Rodríguez-Manzo, J.A., Pham-Huu C. and Banhart, F. Graphene growth by a metal-catalyzed solid-state transformation of amorphous carbon. ACS Nano 5(2), 2011, 1529-1534.

O. Rosseler, A. Louvet, V. Keller and N. Keller. Enhanced CO photocatalytic oxidation in the presence of humidity by tuning composition of Pd-Pt bimetallic nanoparticles supported on TiO2. Chemical Communications, 47(18), 2011, 5331-5333.

Ruvinskyi P., Bonnefont A., Pham-Huu C., Savinova E. R. Using ordered carbon nanomaterials for shedding light on the mechanism of the cathodic oxygen reduction reaction. Langmuir, 27 (14), 2011, 9018–9027.

P. Ruvinskiy, A. Bonnefont and E.R. Savinova. Further insight into the oxygen reduction reaction on Pt. Nanoparticles supported on Spatially Structured Catalytic Layers. Electrocatalysis 2 (2), 2011, 123-133.

N. Salhi, A. Boulahouache, C. Petit, A. kiennemann, C. Rabia, Steam reforming of methane to syngas over NiAl2O4 spinel catalysts, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , 2011, sous presse

O. Simakova, B. Kusema, B. Campo, A. Leino, K., V. Pitchon, P. Mäki-Arvela, D. Murzin. Structure Sensitivity in L-Arabinose Oxidation over Au/Al2O3 Catalysts. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(4), 2011, 1036-1043.

D. Spitzer, T. Cottineau, N. Piazzon, S. Josset, F. Schell, S. Pronkin, E. Savinova, V. Keller, A bio-inspired sensor for detection of ultimate concentrations of explosives. Nature communications, acceptée

T. Truong, R. Philippe, P. Nguyen, D. Edouard and D. Schweich. Radial Dispersion in Liquid Upflow through Solid SiC Foams Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 50(8), 2011, 4329-4334

Tyagi P. K., Janowska I., Cretu O., Pham-Huu C. and Banhart F. The catalytic action of gold and copper crystals in the growth of carbon nanotubes. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 11(4), 2011, 3609-3615.

Kun Wang, Kambiz Chizari, Yu Liu, Izabela Janowska, Simona Maria Moldovan, Ovidiu Ersen, Antoine Bonnefont, Elena R. Savinova, Lam D. Nguyen, Cuong Pham-Huu. Catalytic synthesis of a high aspect ratio carbon nanotubes bridging carbon felt composite with improved electrical conductivity and effective surface area. Applied Catalysis A: General 392, 2011, 238-247.

I. Zamboni, C. Courson and A. Kiennemann. Synthesis of Fe/CaO active sorbent for CO2 absorption and tars removal in biomass gasification.  Catalysis Today 2011, sous presse.


E. Ambroise, C. Courson, A.C. Roger, A. Kiennemann, G. Blanchard,   S. Rousseau, X. Carrier, E. Marceau, C. La Fontaine and F. Villain. Exhaust gas recirculation for on-board hydrogen production by isooctane reforming: comparison of performances of metal/ceria-zirconia based catalysts prepared through pseudo sol-gel or impregnation methods. Catalysis Today 154 (1-2), 2010, 133-141.

Araque, M., Martínez T, L.M., Vargas, J.C., Roger, A.C. Hydrogen production by glycerol steam reforming over CeZrCo fluorite type oxides. Catalysis Today, 2010, Article in press

J. Arichi, M. M. Pereira, P. Mothé-Esteves and B. Louis. Synthesis of Keggin-type Polyoxometalate crystals. Solid State Science 12(11), 2010, 1866-1869.

Y. Azizi, C. Petit and V. Pitchon. Effect of Support Parameters on Activity of Gold Catalysts: Studies of ZrO2, TiO2 and Mixture. Applied Catalysis A: General 385 (1-2), 2010, 170-177.

Y. Azizi, C. Petit and V. Pitchon. Mechanism of Acetylene oxidation over supported Gold Catalysts. Journal of Catalysis, 269(1), 2010, 26-32.

B. S. Barros, D. M. Melo, S. Libs and A. Kiennemann. CO2 reforming of methane over La2NiO4/α-Al2O3 prepared by microwave assisted self –combustion method. Applied Catalysis A: General 378, 2010, 69-75.

Maryam Bayati, Piotr Patoka, Michael Giersig and Elena R. Savinova. An Approach towards Fabrication of Metal Nano-Ring Arrays. Langmuir 26 (5), 2010, 3549-3554.

S. Chassaing, A. Alix, T. Boningari, A.S.S. Sido, M. Keller, P. Kuhn, B. Louis, J. Sommer and P. Pale. Copper (I) zeolites as new heterogeneous and green catalysts for organic synthesis. Synthesis 9, 2010, 1557-1567.

O. V. Cherstiouk, A. N. Simonov, N. S. Moseva, S. V. Cherepanova, P. A. Simonov, V. I. Zaikovskii and E. R. Savinova. Microstructure Effects on the Electrochemical Corrosion of Carbon Materials and Carbon Supported Pt Catalysts. Electrochimica Acta 55(28), 2010, 8453-8460.

O. V. Cherstiouk, P. V. Simonov, V. B. Fenelonov and E. R. Savinova. Influence of Nafion® Ionomer on Carbon Corrosion. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 40(11), 2010, 1933–1939.

Chizari, K., Janowska, I., Houllé, M., Florea, I., Ersen, O., Romero, T., Bernhardt, P., Ledoux M.J. and Pham-Huu, C. Tuning of a nitrogen doping multi-walled carbon nanotube for use as catalyst support. Applied Catalysis A: General 380 (1-2), 2010, 72-80.

Deneuve, A., Florea, I., Ersen, O., Nguyen, P., Pham, C., Bégin, D., Edouard, D. and Pham-Huu, C. Catalytic growth of silicon carbide composite with nanoscopic properties and enhanced oxidative resistance as catalyst support. Applied Catalysis A: General 385 (1-2), 2010, 52-61.

L. Di Felice, C. Courson, D. Niznansky, P. U. Foscolo , A. Kiennemann. Biomass gasification with catalytic tar reforming: A model study into activity enhancement of calcium- and magnesium-oxide-based catalytic materials by incorporation of iron. Energy & Fuel 24 (7), 2010, 4034-4045.

Di Felice, L., Courson, C., Foscolo, P.U. and Kiennemann, A. Iron based catalyst for hydrocarbons catalytic reforming: A metal-support interaction study to interpret reactivity data. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 175, 2010, 421-424.

Edouard, D., Truong Huu, T., Pham Huu, C., Luck, F. and  Schweich, D. The effective thermal properties of solid foam beds: Experimental and estimated temperature profiles. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (19-20), 2010, 3807-3816

Florea, I., Ersen, O., Hirlimann, C., Roiban, L., Deneuve, A., Houllé, M., Janowska, I. and Pham-Huu, C. Analytical electron tomography mapping of the SiC pore oxidation at the nanoscale. Nanoscale 2 (12), 2010, 2668-2678

B. Grzyb., S. Berthon-Fabry,.D. Bégin, N. Job, A. Rigacci and P. Achard. Functionalisation and chemical characterisation of cellulose-derived carbon aerogels. Carbon   48(8), 2010, 2297-2307.

Hajiesmaili, S., Josset, S., Bégin, D., Pham-Huu, C., Keller, N. and Keller, V. 3D solid carbon foam-based photocatalytic materials for vapor phase flow-through structured photoreactors. Applied Catalysis A: General 382 (1), 2010, 122-130.

S. Ivanova, V. Pitchon, C. Petit and V. Caps. Support effects in the gold-catalyzed PROX reaction. ChemCatChem 2 (5), 2010, 556-563.

S. Ivanova, X. Nitsch, F. Romero Sarria, B. Louis, M.A. Centeno, A.C. Roger, J.A. Odriozola. New class of acid catalysts for methanol dehydration. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 175, 2010, 601- 604.

Janowska, I., Chizari, K., Ersen, O., Zafeiratos, S. , Soubane, D., da Costa, V., Speisser, V., Boeglin, C., Houllé, M. , Bégin, D. , Plee, D. , Ledoux, M.-J., Pham-Huu, C. Microwave synthesis of large few-layer graphene sheets in aqueous solution of ammonia. Journal Nano Research 3 (2), 2010, 126-137.

Josset, S., Hajiesmaili, S., Begin, D., Edouard, D., Pham-Huu, C., Lett, M.-C., Keller, N. and Keller, V. UV-A photocatalytic treatment of Legionella pneumophila bacteria contaminated airflows through three-dimensional solid foam structured photocatalytic reactors. Journal of Hazardous Materials 175 (1-3), 2010,372- 381.

Josset, S., Taranto, J., Keller, N., Keller, V. and Lett, M.-C. Photocatalytic Treatment of Bioaerosols: Impact of the Reactor Design. Environmental Science and Technology 44 (7), 2010, 2605-2611.

N. Keller, G. Rebmann, V. Keller. Catalysts, mechanisms and industrial processes for the dimethylcarbonate synthesis.  Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 317 (1-2), 2010, 1-18.

B.Koubaissy, A. Pietraszek, A. C. Roger and A. Kiennemann. CO2 Reforming of Methane over Ce-Zr-Ni-Me mixed catalysts. Catalysis Today 157 (1-4), 2010, 436-439.

Liu, Y., Janowska, I., Romero, T., Edouard, D., Nguyen, L.D., Ersen, O., Keller, V. and Pham-Huu, C. High surface-to-volume hybrid platelet reactor filled with catalytically grown vertically aligned carbon nanotubes. Catalysis Today 150(1-2), 2010, 133-139.

B. Louis, M. M. Pereira, F. M. Santos, P. M. Esteves and J. Sommer. Alkane Activation over Acidic Zeolites : The First Step. Chemistry-A European Journal 16 (2), 2010, 573-576.

B. Louis, F. Ocampo, H.S. Yun, J.P. Tessonnier and M. Maciel Pereira. Hierarchical pore ZSM-5 zeolite structures: from micro to macro-engineering of structured catalysts. Journal of Chemical Engineering 161(3), 2010, 397–402.

A.J. Maia, B. Louis, Y.L. Lam and M.M. Pereira. Ni- ZSM-5 catalysts: detailed characterization of metal sites for proper catalyst design. Journal of Catalysis 269(1), 2010, 103-109.

P. Mothé-Esteves, M. M. Pereira, J. Arichi and B. Louis. How Keggin-Type Polyoxometalates Self-Organize into Crystals. Crystal Growth and Design 10(1), 2010, 371-378.

Muller, O., Lutz, Y., Teissier, A., Moeglin, J.-P. and Keller, V. Optical limiting behavior of carbon nanotubes exposed to infrared laser irradiations studied by the Z-scan technique. Applied Optics 49 (7), 2010, 1097-1103.

F. Ocampo, J.A. Cunha, M.R. de Lima Santos, J.P. Tessonnier, M.M. Pereira and B. Louis. Synthesis of Zeolite Crystals with unusual morphology: Application in Acid Catalysis. Applied Catalysis A: General 390(1-2), 2010, 102–109.

Pavel S. Ruvinskiy, Antoine Bonnefont, Maryam Bayati, and Elena R. Savinova. Mass transport effects in CO bulk electrooxidation on Pt nanoparticles supported on vertically aligned carbon nanofilaments. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12(46), 2010, 15207 – 15216.

Piccinin, S., Zafeiratos, S., Stampfl, C., Hansen, T.W., Hävecker, M., Teschner, D., Bukhtiyarov, V.I. and  Scheffler, M. Alloy catalyst in a reactive environment: The example of Ag-Cu particles for ethylene epoxidation. Physical Review Letters 104 (3), 2010, Article number 035503.

F.V. Pinto, A.S. Escobar, B.G. de Oliveira, Y.L. Lam, H.S. Cerqueira, B. Louis, J.P. Tessonnier, D.S. Su and M.M. Pereira. The effect of alumina on FCC catalyst in the presence of nickel and vanadium. Applied Catalysis A: General 388(1-2), 2010, 15-21.

Raissi, S., Younes, M.K., Ghorbel, A. and Garin, F. Effect of sulphate groups on catalytic properties of chromium supported by zirconia in the n-hexane aromatization. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 53 (2), 2010, 412-417.

Randrianasoloharisoa, D. , Dintzer, T., Rakotomahevitra, A., Razafindramisa, F.L. , Demangeat, C., Légaré, P., Garin, F., Parlebas, J.C. Isomerization of n-butane on Pt (100): Monomolecular mechanism investigation. Surface Science 604 (11-12), 2010, 1040-1043.

O. Rosseler, M. V. Shankar, M. Karkmaz-Le Du, L. Schmidlin, N. Keller and V. Keller. Solar light photocatalytic hydrogen production over Pt and Au/TiO2 (anatase/rutile) photocatalysts. Influence of noble metal and porogen. Journal of Catalysis 269(1), 2010, 179-190.

P. S. Ruvinskiy, A. Bonnefont, M. Houllé, C. Pham-Huu, and E.R. Savinova. Preparation, testing and modeling of three-dimensionally ordered catalytic layers for electrocatalysis of fuel cell reactions. Electrochimical Acta 55 (9), 2010, 3245-3256.

Sergey N. Pronkin, Antoine Bonnefont, Pavel S. Ruvinskiy, Elena R. Savinova. Hydrogen oxidation kinetics on model Pd/C electrodes: Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and rotating disk electrode study. Electrochimica Acta, 55(9), 2010, 3312-3323.

G. Valderrama, A. Kiennemann and M. Goldwasser. La-Sr-Ni-Co-O based perovskite-type solid solutions as catalyst precursors in the CO2 reforming of methane. Journal of Power Sources 195 (7), 2010, 1765-1771.

M. Virginie, C. Courson and A. Kiennemann. Toluene steam reforming as tar model molecule produced during biomass gasification with an iron/olivine catalyst. Comptes Rendus Chimie 13 (10), 2010, 1319–1325.

M. Virginie, C. Courson, D. Niznansky, N. Chaoui and A. Kiennemann. Characterization and reactivity in toluene reforming of a Fe/olivine catalyst designed for gas cleanup in biomass gasification. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 101 (1-2), 2010, 90-100.

Zafeiratos, S., Paloukis, F., Papakonstantinou, G., Teschner, D., Hävecker, M., Vass, E., Schnörch, P. and Neophytides, S.G. A comparative in situ XPS study of PtRuCo catalyst in methanol steam reforming and water gas shift reactions. Catalysis Today 157 (1-4), 2010, 250-256.

Zafeiratos, S., Dintzer, T., Teschner, D., Blume, R., Hävecker, M., Knop-Gericke, A. and Schlögl, R. Methanol oxidation over model cobalt catalysts: Influence of the cobalt oxidation state on the reactivity. Journal of Catalysis 269(2), 2010, 309-317.


E. Ambroise, C. Courson, A. Kiennemann, A.C. Roger, O. Pagot, E. Samson and G. Blanchard. On-board hydrogen production through catalytic exhaust-gas reforming of isooctane: efficiency of mixed Ce2Zr1.5Me0.5O8 (Me=Co,Rh or Co-noble metal). Topics in Catalysis 52 (13-20), 2009, 2101-2107.

J. Arichi, S. Ivanova and B. Louis. Design of microporous materials: a novel generation of solid acids. Comptes Rendus Chimie 12, 2009, 716-722.

B. Campo, G. Santori, C. Petit and M.A. Volpe. Liquid phase hydrogenation of crotonaldehyde over Au/CeO2 catalysts. Applied Catalysis A:General 359(1-2) ,2009, 79-83.

Centi, G., Gangeri, M., Fiorello, M., Perathoner, S., Amadou, J., Bégin, D., Ledoux, M.J. and Schlögl, R. The role of mechanically induced defects in carbon nanotubes to modify the properties of electrodes for PEM fuel cell. Catalysis Today 147(3-4), 2009, 287-299.

E. Charrault, M. He, P. Muller, M. Maaloum, C. Petit and P. Petit. A Facile Route to Homogeneous High Density Networks of Metal Nanoparticles. Langmuir 25 , 2009, 11285–11288.

C. Daza, A. Kiennemann, S. Moreno and R. Molina. Stability of Ni-Ce catalysts supported over Al-PVA modified mineral clay in dry reforming of methane. Journal Energy Fuel 23(7), 2009, 3497-3509.

C. Daza, A. Kiennemann, S. Moreno and R. Molina. Dry reforming of methane using Ni-Ce catalysts supported on a modified clay. Applied Catalysis A: General 364 (1-2), 2009, 65-74.

C. Detoni, N.M.F. Carvalho, D.A.G. Aranda, B. Louis and O. A. C. Antunes. Cyclohexane and Toluene Oxidation Catalyzed by 1,10-phenantroline Cu(II) Complexes. Applied Catalysis A: General 365(2), 2009, 281-286.

L. Di Felice, C. Courson, N. Jand, K. Gallucci, P. U. Foscolo, A. Kiennemann. Catalytic biomass Gasification: simultaneous Hydrocarbons steam Reforming and CO2 Capture in a Fluidised Bed Reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal 154(1-3), 2009, 375–383.

Edouard, D., Ivanova, S., Lacroix, M., Vanhaecke, E., Pham, C. and Pham-Huu, C. Pressure drop measurements and hydrodynamic model description of SiC foam composites decorated with SiC nanofiber. Catalysis Today 141 (3-4), 2009, 403-408.

Florea, I., Houllé, M., Ersen, O., Roiban, L., Deneuve, A., Janowska, I., Nguyen, P. and Pham-Huu, C. Investigation of the palladium nanoparticles localization in the bi-modal mesoporous SiC by TEM tomography. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113 (41), 2009, 17711-17719.

Gangeri, M., Perathoner, S., Caudo, S., Centi, G., Amadou, J., Bégin, D., Pham-Huu, C., Ledoux M. J., Teissonier J.P., Su D.S. and Schlögl, R. Fe and Pt carbon nanotubes for the electrocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide to oxygenate. Catalysis Today 143 (1-2), 2009, 57-63.

Goulhen-Chollet, F., Josset, S., Keller, N., Keller, V. and Lett, M.-C. Monitoring the bactericidal effect of UV-A photocatalysis: A first approach through 1D and 2D protein electrophoresis. Catalysis Today 147(3-4), 2009, 169-172.

B. Grzyb, A. Albiniak, E. Broniek, G. Furdin1, J.F. Marêché and D. Bégin. SO2 adsorptive properties of activated carbons prepared from polyacrylonitrile and its blends with coal-tar pitch. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 118 (1-3), 2009, 163-168.

M. Hadj-Sadok Ouaguenouni, A. Benadda, A. Kiennemann and A. Barama. Preparation and catalytic activity of nickel-manganese oxide catalysts in the reaction of partial oxidation of methane. Comptes Rendus Chimie 12(6-7), 2009, 740-747.

Hofmann, S., Blume, R., Wirth, C.T., Cantoro, M., Sharma, R., Ducati, C., Hävecker, M., Zafeiratos, S., Schnoerch, P., Oestereich, A., Teschner, D., Albrecht, M., Knop-Gericke, A., Schlögl and R., Robertson, J. State of transition metal catalysts during carbon nanotube growth. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (5), 2009, 1648-1656.

Huu, T.T., Lacroix, M., Pham Huu, C., Schweich, D. and Edouard, D. Towards a more realistic modeling of solid foam: Use of the pentagonal dodecahedron geometry. Chemical Engineering Science 64 (24), 2009, 5131-5142.

K. Ikkour, D. Sellam, A. Kiennemann, S. Tezkratt  and  O. Cherifi. Activity of Ni Substituted Ca-La-hexaaluminate Catalyst in Dry Reforming of Methane. Catalysis Letters 132(1-2), 2009, 213-218.

M. Issa, C. Petit, H. Mahzoul, A. Aboukais and  J.F. Brilhac. EPR and SEM Characterizations of the Contact Between Carbon Black and Cerium Oxide. Topics in Catalysis  53(13-20), 2009, 13-20.

Ivanova, S., Vanhaecke, E., Dreibine, L., Louis, B., Pham, Ch., Pham-Huu, C. Binderless HZSM-5 coating on β-SiC for different alcohols dehydration. Applied Catalysis A: General 359 (1-2),   2009, 151-157.

S. Ivanova, C. Lebrun, E. Vanhaecke, C. Pham–Huu, B. Louis. Influence of the zeolite synthesis route on its catalytic properties in the Methanol to Olefin reaction. Journal of Catalysis 265 (1), 2009, 1-7.

Janowska, I., Hajiesmaili, S., Bégin, D., Keller, V., Keller, N., Ledoux, M.-J., Pham-Huu, C. Macronized aligned carbon nanotubes for use as catalyst support and ceramic nanoporous membrane template. Catalysis Today 145(1-2), 2009, 76-84.

I. Janowska, O. Ersen, T. Jacob, Ph. Vénégues, D. Bégin, M. J. Ledoux and C. Pham-Huu. Catalytic unzipping of carbon nanotubes to few-layer graphene sheets under microwaves irradiation. Applied Catalysis A: General 371(1-2), 2009, 22-30.

Knop-Gericke, A., Kleimenov, E., Hävecker, M., Blume, R., Teschner, D., Zafeiratos, S., Schlögl, R. and Kiskinova, M. Chapter 4 X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy for Investigation of Heterogeneous Catalytic Processes. Advances in Catalysis 52(C), 2009,  213-272.

Konstantin N. Loponov, Vladimir V. Kriventsov, Kyatanahalli S. Nagabhushana, Helmut Boennemann, Dimitrii I. Kochubey, and Elena R. Savinova. Combined in situ EXAFS and Electrochemical Investigation of the Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Unmodified and Se-modified Ru/C. Catalysis Today 147 (3-4), 2009, 260–269.

P. Kuhn, A. Alix, M. Kumarraja, B. Louis, P. Pale and J. Sommer. The first copper-zeolite catalyzed synthesis of diynes. Copper-zeolites as catalysts for the coupling of terminal alkynes: An efficient synthesis of diynes. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 3, 2009, 423–429.

P. Kuhn, P. Pale, J. Sommer, B. Louis. Probing Cu–USY Zeolite Reactivity: Design of a Green Catalyst for the Synthesis of Diynes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (7), 2009, 2903-2910.

P. Kuhn, A. Alix, M. Kumarraja, B. Louis, P. Pale and  J. Sommer. Copper zeolites catalyzed homocoupling of terminal alkynes. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 3, 2009, 423-429.

Laugel, G., Arichi, J., Bernhardt, P., Molière, M., Kiennemann, A., Garin, F., Louis, B. Preparation and characterisation of metal oxides supported on SBA-15 as methane combustion catalysts. Comptes RendusChimie 12 (6-7), 2009, 731-739.

B. Louis, C. Detoni, N.M.F. Carvalho, C. D. Duarte and  O. A. C. Antunes. Cu(II) bipyridine and phenantroline complexes: Tailor-made catalysts for the selective oxidation of tetraline. Applied Catalysis A: General 360(2), 2009, 218-225.

R. Nedyalkova, D. Niznansky and A.C. Roger. Iron-Ceria-Zirconia fluorite catalysts for methane selective oxidation to formaldehyde. Catalysis Communications 10 (14), 2009, 1875-1880.

D.L. Nguyen, P. Leroi, M.J. Ledoux and C. Pham-Huu. Influence of the oxygen pretreatment on the CO2 reforming of methane on Ni/Beta-SiC catalyst. Catalysis Today 141 (3-4), 2009, 393-396.

Nguyen, P., Nhut, J.-M., Edouard, D., Pham, C., Ledoux, M.-J. and Pham-Huu, C. Fe2O3/β-SiC: A new high efficient catalyst for the selective oxidation of H2S into elemental sulfur. Catalysis Today 141 (3-4), 2009, 397-402.

Normand, F.L., Švrček, V., Senger, A., Dintzer, T. and Pham-Huu, C. In situ monitoring the thermal dependence of the growth of carbon nanotubes by chemical vapor deposition investigated by tapered element oscillating microbalance. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113 (33), 2009, 14879-14892.

F. Ocampo, H. Yun, M.M. Pereira, J.P. Tessonnier and B. Louis. Design of MFI zeolite-based composites with hierarchical pore structure: a new generation of structured catalysts.Crystal Growth & Design 9(8), 2009, 3721-3729.

F. Ocampo, B. Louis, A.C. Roger. Methanation of carbon dioxide over nickel based Ce0.72Zr0.28O2 mixed oxide catalysts prepared by sol-gel method. Applied Catalysis A: General 369, 2009, 90-96.

E. Petit, J. Elia, J.S. Lecomte, V. Pitchon and B. Gay. Microstructure and texture of the inhibition layer in hot-dip galvanized coatings.  Mechanisms of growth and destruction. Netsu shori, Journal of the Japan Society for Heat Treatment 49 (1), 2009, 233-236.

Philippe, R., Lacroix, M., Dreibine, L., Pham-Huu, C., Edouard, D., Savin, S., Luck, F. and Schweich, D. Effect of structure and thermal properties of a Fischer-Tropsch catalyst in a fixed bed. Catalysis Today 147 (SUPPL.), 2009, S305-S312.

J. A. Rodriguez-Manzo, I.  Janowska, C. Pham-Huu, A. Tolvanen, A. V. Krasheninnikov, K. H. Nordlund and F. Banhart. Growth of single-wall carbon nanotubes from sharp metal tips. Small 5 (23), 2009, 2710-2715.

Salem, I., Keller, N. and Keller, V. Photocatalytic degradation of indole in UV/TiO2: Optimization and modelling using the response surface methodology.   Green Chemistry 11(7), 2009, 966-973.

Elena R. Savinova, Francoise Hahn, Nicolas Alonso-Vante. The assessment of nanocrystalline surface defects on real versus model catalysts probed via vibrational spectroscopy of adsorbed CO. Surface Science 603(10-12) , 2009, 1892–1899.

Y. Suzuki, B. Pichon, M. Grandcolas, N. Keller, V. Keller and S. Yoshikawa Preparation and Microstructure of Titanate Nanotube Thin Films by Spray Layer-by-Layer Assembly Method. 1. Agglomerate Problem of Titanate. Material Transactions 34 (3), 2009, 545-549.

Tessonnier, J.-P., Ersen, O., Weinberg, G., Pham-Huu, C., Su, D.S. and Schlögl, R. Selective deposition of metal nanoparticles inside or outside multiwalled carbon nanotubes. ACS Nano 3(8), 2009, 2081-2089.

Tessonnier, J.-P., Rosenthal, D., Girgsdies, F., Amadou, J., Bégin, D., Pham-Huu, C., Sheng Su, D. and Schlögl, R. Influence of the graphitisation of hollow carbon nanofibers on their functionalisation and subsequent filling with metal nanoparticles. Chemical Communications 46, 2009, 7158-7160.

E. Vanhaecke, S. Ivanova, B. Louis, Ch. Pham and C. Pham-Huu. ZSM-5 nanowires assembly supported on medium surface area foam β-SiC composite with nanoscopic surface properties. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9(6), 2009, 3611-3616.


J. Amadou, K. Chizari, M. Houllé, I. Janowska, O. Ersen, D. Bégin and C. Pham-Huu. Nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes for liquid-phase C=C bond hydrogenation. Catalysis Today 138 (1-2), 2008, 62-68.

M. Araque, M. Virginie, J. C. Vargas, A.C. Roger and A. Kiennemann. Comparative study of H2 production by ethanol steam reforming on Ce2Zr1.5Co0.5O8-d and Ce2Zr1.5Co0.47Rh0.07O8-d: evidence of the role of Rh on the deactivation process. Catalysis Today 138(1-2), 2008, 21-27.

J. Arichi, M. Eternot and B. Louis. Synthesis of V-containing Keggin polyoxometalates: Versatile catalysts for the synthesis of fine chemicals? Catalysis Today 138(1-2), 2008, 117-122.

J. Arichi and B. Louis. Toward Microscopic Design of Zeolite Crystals: Advantages of the Fluoride-mediated Synthesis. Crystal Growth & Design 8(11), 2008, 3999-4005.

Y. Azizi, C. Petit and V. Pitchon. Formation of polymer-grade ethylene by selective hydrogenation of acetylene over Au/CeO2 catalyst. Journal of Catalysis 256(2), 2008, 338-344.

Z. El Berrichi, B. Louis, L. Cherif, M.J. Ledoux, C. Pham.Huu. Synthesis and characterisation of mesoporous SBA-15 supported on pre-shaped silicon carbide (β-SiC). Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 174 (2), 2008, 1307-1310.

F. Bosc, A. Ayral, N. Keller, V. Keller. UV and visible-light photocatalysis inside mesoporous TiO2. Confinement effect and semi-conductor coupling Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 130(4), 2008, 0410061-0410065

B. Campo, C. Petit and M A. Volpe. Hydrogenation of crotonaldehyde on different Au/CeO2 catalysts. Journal of Catalysis 254(1), 2008, 71-78.

B. Campo, S. Ivanova, C. GigolaI, C. Petit and M. A. Volpe.Crotonaldehyde hydrogenation on supported gold catalyst. Catalysis Today 133-135, 2008, 661-666.

O. V. Cherstiouk, A.N.Gavrilov, L. M. Plyasova, I. Yu. Molina, G. A. Tsirlina and E. R. Savinova. Influence of Structural Defects on the Electrocatalytic Activity of Platinum. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 12 (5), 2008, 497-509.

N. M. A. Coelho, J. L. B.  Furtado, C.  Pham-Huu and R. Vieira. Carbon nanofibers: a versatile catalytic support. Materials Research 11 (3), 2008, 353-357

Demirci, U.B. and Garin, F. Ru-based bimetallic alloys for hydrogen generation by hydrolysis of sodium tetrahydroborate. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 463(1-2), 2008, 107-111.

Demirci, U.B. and Garin, F. PT catalysed hydrogen generation by hydrolysis of sodium tetrahydroborate. International Journal of Green Energy 5, 2008, 148-156.

Demirci, U.B. and Garin, F. Promoted sulphated-zirconia catalysed hydrolysis of sodium tetrahydroborate. Catalysis Communication 9(6), 2008, 1167-1172.

Demirci, U.B. and Garin, F. Kinetics of Ru-promoted sulphated zirconia catalysed hydrogen generation by hydrolysis of sodium tetrahydroborate. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 279(1), 2008, 57-62

D. Edouard, M.  Lacroix, C. Pham-Huu and Fr  Luck. Pressure drop modeling on solid foam: state-of-the-art correlation. Chemical Engineering Journal 144 (2), 2008, 299-311.

D. Edouard, M. Lacroix, Ch. Pham, M. Mbodji and C. Pham-Huu. Experimental measurements and multiphase flow models in solid SiC foam beds. AIChE 54(11), 2008, 2823-2832.

Z. ElBerrichi, B. Louis, L. Cherif, M.J. Ledoux, C. Pham.Huu. Synthesis and characterisation of mesoporous SBA-15 supported on pre-shaped silicon carbide (β-SiC). Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 174 (2), 2008, 1307-1310.

J. Elia, E. Petit, J-S. Lecomte, V. Pitchon and B. Gay. TEM study of the inhibition layer of Commercial Hot-Dip Galvanized Steels. Ceramic Transactions 200, 2008, 131-142.

O. Ersen, S. Bégin, M. Houllé, J.  Amadou, I. Janowska, J. M.  Grenèche, C. Crucifix and C. Pham-Huu. Microstructural investigation of the CoFe2O4 nanowires in carbon nanotubes by TEM tomography. Nano Letters 8 (4), 2008, 1033-1040.

O. Ersen, J. Parmentier, L. Solovyov, J. Werckmann, C. Pham-Huu, M. Drillon, P. Schultz. Direct observation of stacking faults and pore connections in ordered cage-type mesoporous silica FDU-12 by electron tomography. Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (49), 2008, 16800-16806.

M. Grandcolas, M. KarkmazLe Du, F. Bosc, A. Louvet, N. Keller and V. Keller. Porogen Template Assisted TiO2 Rutile Coupled Nanomaterials for Improved Visible and Solar Light Photocatalytic Applications. Catalysis Letters 123 (1-2) , 2008, 65-67.

C. A. Guerrero Fajardo, D. Niznansky, Y. N’Guyen , C. Courson and A. C. Roger. Methane selective oxidation to formaldehyde with Fe-catalysts supported on silica or incorporated into the support. Catalysis Communications 9(5) , 2008, 864-869.

M. Houllé, A. Deneuve, J. Amadou, D. Bégin and C. Pham-Huu. Mechanical enhancement of C/C composites via the formation of a machinable carbon nanofibers interphase. Carbon 46 (1), 2008, 76-83.

M. Issa, C. Petit, A. Brillard and J.F. Brilhac. Oxidation of carbon by CeO2: Effect of the contact between carbon and catalyst particles. Fuel   87(6) , 2008, 740-750.

S. Ivanova, E. Vanhaecke, B. Louis, S. Libs, M. J.  Ledoux, S. Rigolet, Cl. Marichal, Ch. Pham, F. Luck and C. Pham-Huu. Efficient synthesis of dimethyl ether over HZSM-5 supported on medium-surface-area beta-SiC foam. ChemSusChem, 1 (10), 2008, 851-857.

M. Kuras, Y. Zimmermann and C.Petit. Reactivity of perovskite-type precursor in MWCNTs synthesis. Catalysis Today 138(1-2), 2008, 55-61.

S. Josset, N. Keller, M.-C. Lett, M.J. Ledoux and V. Keller. Numeration methods for targeting photoactive materials in the UV-A photocatalytic removal of microorganisms. Chemical Society Reviews 37(4), 2008, 744-755

N. Keller, F. Di Grégorio, C. Pham-Huu and V. Keller. Towards the oxygenated phase coverage rate of β-SiC surface. Diamond and Related Materials 17 (11), 2008, 1867-1870.

V. Keller, N. Keller, F. di Grégorio. Activation and isomerization of hydrocarbons over WO3/ZrO2 catalysts. Part II. Influence of tungsten loading on catalytic activity. Mechanistic studies and correlation with surface reducibility and tungsten surface species Journal of Catalysis 256(2), 2008, 159-171.

G. Laugel, J. Arichi, H. Guerba, M. Moliere, A. Kiennemann,F. Garin, B. Louis. Co3O4 and Mn3O4 nanoparticles dispersed on SBA-15: Efficient catalysts for methane combustion. Catalysis Letters 125 (1-2), 2008, 14-21.

Laugel, J. Arichi, M. Moliere, A. Kiennemann, F. Garin, B. Louis. Metal oxides nanoparticles on SBA-15: Efficient catalyst for methane combustion. Catalysis Today 138 (1-2), 2008, 38-42.

Paloukis F, Zafeiratos S, Drakopoulos V and Neophytides SG. Electronic structure modifications and HER of annealed electrodeposited Ni overlayers on Mo polycrystalline surface. Electrochimica Acta 53 (27), 2008, 8015-8025.

Pavel S. Ruvinsky, Sergey N. Pronkin, Vladimir I. Zaikovskii, Pierre Bernhardt, and Elena R. Savinova. On the enhanced electrocatalytic activity of Pd overlayers on carbon-supported gold particles in the hydrogen electrooxidation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10, 2008, 6665-6676.

G. Rebmann, V. Keller, M.J. Ledoux and N. Keller. Cu-Y Zeolite Supported on Silicon Carbide for the Vapor Phase Oxidative Carbonylation of Methanol to Dimethylcarbonate. Green Chemistry 10 (2), 2008, 207-213.

F. Romero-Sarria, J.C. Vargas, A.C. Roger and A. Kiennemann. Hydrogen production by ethanol reforming: Study of mixed oxide catalysts Ce2Zr1.5Me0.5O8: Comparison Ni/Co and effect of Rh. Catalysis Today 133-135, 2008, 149-153.

Salhi, N., Petit, C., Kiennemann, A. Steam reforming of methane on nickel aluminate defined structures with high Al/Ni ratio. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 174 (B), 2008, 1335-1338.

Elena R. Savinova, Francoise Hahn and Nicolas Alonso-Vante. Carbon monoxide oxidation as a probe for PtRu particle surface structure. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 112(47), 2008, 18521–18530.

D. Swierczinski, C. Courson and A. Kiennemann. Optimisation of the quantity of hydrogen produced by biomass gaseification. Study of steam reforming of toluene used as tar model compound. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 47(3), 2008, 508-513.

J. P. Tessonnier, B. Louis, S. Rigolet, M.J. Ledoux, C. Pham-Huu. Methane dehydro-aromatization on Mo/ZSM-5: about the hidden role of Brönsted acid sites. Applied Catalysis A: General 336 (1-2),   2008, 79-88.

G. Valderama, A. Kiennemann and M.R. Goldwasser. Dry reforming of methane on LaNixCo1-x catalyst. Catalysis Today 133-135, 2008, 142-148.

E. Vanhaecke, S. Ivanova, O. Ersen, A. Deneuve, D. Edouard, G. Winé, P. Nguyen, Ch. Pham and  C. Pham-Huu. 1D SiC decorating macroscopic shapes of SiC for filtration devices. Journal of Materials Chemistry 18 (39), 2008,   4654-4662.

Vass, E.M., Hävecker, M., Zafeiratos, S., Teschner, D., Knop-Gericke, A. and Schlögl, R. The role of carbon species in heterogeneous catalytic processes: An in situ soft x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (18), 2008, 184016.

S. Walspurger and B. Louis. Insights into the structure of active sites in metal-doped solid acid catalysts Applied Catalysis A: General 336(1-2), 2008, 109-115.

Yang, J., Tschamber, V., Habermacher, D., Garin F. and  Gilot, P. Effect of sintering on the catalytic activity of a Pt based catalyst for CO oxidation: Experiments and modeling. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 83(3-4), 2008, 229-239.


Belatel, H., Al-Kandari, H., Al-Kharafi, F., Garin, F.  and  Katrib, A. Catalytic reactions of methylcyclohexane (MCH), on partially reduced tungsten oxide(s). Applied Catalysis A: General, 318 , 2007, 227-233.

Z. El Berrichi, O. Ersen, B. Louis, J. P.Tessonnier, L. Cherif , M.J. Ledoux, C. Pham-Huu. One-pot synthesis of Ga-SBA-15: an efficient alkylation and acylation Friedel-Crafts catalyst. Applied Catalysis A: General   316 (2), 2007, 219-225.

H. Bieber, P. Gilliot, M. Gallart, N. Keller, V. Keller, S. Bégin-Colin, C. Pighini, N. Millot. Temperature dependent photoluminescence of photocatalytically active titania nanopowders. Catalysis Today 122(12), 2007, 101-108.

Blume, R., Hävecker, M., Zafeiratos, S., Teschner, D., Vass, E., Schnörch, P., Knop-Gericke, A. and Kiskinova, M. Monitoring in situ catalytically active states of Ru catalysts for different methanol oxidation pathways. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 9 (27), 2007, 3648-3657.

Blume, R., Hävecker, M., Zafeiratos, S., Teschner, D., Knop-Gericke, A., Schlögl, R., Dudin, P. and Kiskinova, M. Oxidation of methanol on Ru catalyst: Effect of the reagents partial pressures on the catalyst oxidation state and selectivity. Catalysis Today 124 (1-2), 2007, 71-79.

F. Bosc, A. Ayral, N. Keller and V. Keller. Room temperature visible light oxidation of CO by high surface area rutile TiO2 supported metal photocatalyst . Applied Catalysis B:Environmental 69 (3-4), 2007, 133-137.

F. Bosc, E. Barraud, D. Edwards, N. Keller and V. Keller. On the modification of photocatalysts for improving visible light and UV degradation of gas-phase toluene over TiO2. Applied Catalysis B:Environmental 70 (1-4), 2007, 423-430.

Daou, T.J., Begin-Colin, S., Grenèche, J.M., Thomas, F., Derory, A., Bernhardt, P., Legaré, P. and Pourroy, G. Phosphate adsorption properties of magnetite-based nanoparticles. Chemistry of Materials 19 (18), 2007, 4494-4505.

Demirci, U.B . and Garin, F. Kinetic study of n-heptane conversion on palladium or iridium supported on sulphated zirconia. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 271(1-2), 2007, 216-220.

Demirci, U.B . and Garin, F. Examination of gold as a metal promoter of sulphated zirconia in n-heptane isomerisation at low temperature. Turkish Journal of Chemistry 31, 2007, 105-111.

Demirci, U.B . and Garin, F. Isomerization of 3-methyl(3-13C)pentane over platinum supported sulphated zirconias: Reaction mechanisms. Catalysis Letters, 114(1-2), 2007, 41-48.

Z. El Berrichi, O. Ersen, B. Louis, J. P.Tessonnier, L. Cherif , M.J. Ledoux, C. Pham-Huu One-pot synthesis of Ga-SBA-15: an efficient alkylation and acylation Friedel-Crafts catalyst. Applied Catalysis A: General   316 (2), 2007, 219-225.

O.Ersen, J. Werckmann, M. Houllé, M.J. Ledoux and C. Pham-Huu. 3D electron microscopy study of metal particles inside multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Nano Letters 7 (7), 2007, 1898-1907.

O. Ersen, C. Hirlimann, M. Drillon,J. Werckmann, F. Tihay,C. Pham-Huu, C. Crucifix and P. Schultz. TEM characterization of nanometric objects. Solid State Sciences 9 (12), 2007, 1088-1098

Gabasch, H., Hayek, K., Klötzer, B., Unterberger, W., Kleimenov, E., Teschner, D., Zafeiratos, S. and Zemlyanov, D. Methane oxidation on Pd(111): In situ XPS identification of active phase. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (22), 2007, 7957-7962.

A.N. Gavrilov, E.R. Savinova, P.A. Simonov, V.I. Zaikovskii, S.V. Cherepanova, G.A. Tsirlina and  V.N. Parmon. On the influence of the metal loading on the structure of carbon-supported PtRu catalysts and their electrocatalytic activities in CO and methanol electrooxidation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 40, 2007, 5476-5489.

M. A. Gómez-García, V. Pitchon, A. Kiennemann. Multifunctional catalyst for de-NOx processes:  The selective reduction of NOx by methane. Catalysis Communications 8, 2007, 400-404.

M. A. Gómez García, S. Thomas V. Pitchon; A. Kiennemann. Selective reduction of NOx by liquid hydrocarbons with supported HPW-metal catalysts. Catalysis Today 119, 2007, 52-58

M. A. Gómez García, S. Thomas V. Pitchon; A. Kiennemann. Multifunctional catalysts for de-NOx processes: the case of H3PW12O40•6H2O-metal supported on oxides. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 70 (1-4), 2007, 151-159.

M. A. Gómez-García, S. Libs, P. Bernhardt, V. Pitchon, A. Kiennemann. Multifunctional catalysts for de-NOx processes: the use of methanol for the selective reduction of Nox. Industrial and Engeneering Chemistry Research 46 (22), 2007, 7045-7049.

S. Ivanova, B. Louis, M.J. Ledoux and C. Pham-Huu. ZSM-5 Coatings on β-SiC Monoliths: Possible New Structured Catalyst for the Methanol-to-Olefins Process Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111   , 2007, 4368-4374.

S. Ivanova, B. Louis, M.J. Ledoux and C. Pham-Huu. Auto-assembly of nanofibrous zeolite crystals via silicon carbide substrate self-transformation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (11), 2007, 3383-3391.

S. Ivanova, V. Pitchon and C. Petit. Application of the direct exchange method in the preparation of gold catalysts supported on different oxide materials. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical: 272 (1-2), 2007, 306.

I. Janowska, G. Winé, M.J. Ledoux and C. Pham-Huu. Structured silica reactor with aligned carbon nanotubes as catalyst support for liquid-phase reaction. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 267 (1-2), 2007, 92-97

S. Josset, J. Taranto, N. Keller, V. Keller, M.C. Lett, M.J. Ledoux, V. Bonnet and S. Rougeau. UV-A photocatalytic treatment of high rate flowing air contaminated by Legionella pneumophila. Catalysis Today, 129 (1-2), 2007, 215-22.

J. Kaiser, P.A. Simonov, V.I. Zaikovskii, Ch. Hartnig, L.Joerissen and E.R. Savinova. Influence of Carbon Support on the Performance of the the Platinum Based Oxygen Reduction Catalysts in a Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 37(12),  2007, 1429-1437.

M. Kuras, R. Roucou and C. Petit. Studies of LaNiO3 used as a precursor for catalytic carbon nanotubes growth. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 265,  (1-2), 2007, 209-217.

M. Labaki, M. Mokhtari, J.F. Brilhac, S. Thomas and V. Pitchon. Simulation of NO and NO2 adsorption-desorption-reduction behaviours on HPW impregnated by platinum and supported on TiO2. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 76(3-4), 2007, 386-394.

M. Lacroix, P. Nguyen, D.  Schweich, C.  Pham-Huu, S. Savin and D. Edouard.  Pressure drop measurements and modeling on SiC foams. Chemical Engineering Science 62 (12), 2007, 3259-3267.

M. V. Landau, P.Madhusudhan Rao, S. Thomas, V. Pitchon, R. Zukerman, L. Vradman and M. Herskowitz. Application of Cs salt of 12-tungstophosphoric acid supported on SBA-15 mesoporous silica in NOx storage. Topics in Catalysis, 42 (1-4), 2007, 203-207.

B. Louis, R. Vieira, A. Carvalho, J. Amadou, M.J. Ledoux, C. Pham-Huu. Carbon nanofibers grown over graphite supported nickel catalyst: relationship between octopus-like growth mechanism and macroshaping. Topics in Catalysis 45 (1-4), 2007, 75-80.

Frédéric Maillard, Elena R. Savinova and Ulrich Stimming. CO Monolayer Oxidation on Pt Nanoparticles: Further Insights into the Particle Size Effects. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 599(2), 2007, 221–232.

P. Nguyen, D. Edouard, J. M.  Nhut, M.J. Ledoux and C. Pham-Huu. High thermal conductive β-SiC for selective oxidation of H2S: A new support for exothermal reactions. Applied Catalysis B:Environmental 76(3-4), 2007, 300-310

S.N.Pronkin, P.A.Simonov, V.I.Zaikovskii and E.R.Savinova. Model Pd-based bimetallic supported catalysts for nitrate electroreduction. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical,  265(1-2), 2007, 141–147.

D. Robert., J.M. Herrmann, N. Keller and V. Keller (Editeurs Invités). Preface Special Issue of Catalysis Today “Materials, Applications and Processes in Photocatalysis”. Catalysis Today 122 (1-2), 2007, 1-194.

E. R. Savinova, F. Hahn and N. Alonso-Vante. Surface electrochemistry of CO as a probe molecule on carbon-supported Se-surface modified Ru nanoparticles via infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 42 2007, 5693-5699.

Solladié-Cavallo, A., Baram, A., Choucair, E., Norouzi-Arasi, H., Schmitt, M. and Garin, F. Heterogeneous hydrogenation of substituted phenols over Al2O3 supported ruthenium. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 273(1-2), 2007, 92-98.

D.S. Su, N.I. Maksimova, G. Mestl, V.L. Kuznetsov, V. Keller, R. Schlögl and N. Keller. Oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene over ultra-dispersed diamond and onion-like carbon. Carbon, 45(11), 2007, 2145-2151

D. Swierczinski, S. Libs, C.Courson and A.Kiennemann. Steam reforming of tar from biomass gasification process over Ni/olivine catalyst. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 74 (3-4), 2007, 211-222.

Teschner, D., Wootsch, A., Pozdnyakova-Tellinger, O., Kröhnert, J., Vass, E.M., Hävecker, M., Zafeiratos, S. and Schlögl, R. Partial pressure dependent in situ spectroscopic study on the preferential CO oxidation in hydrogen (PROX) over Pt/ceria catalysts. Journal of Catalysis 249(2), 2007,  318-327.

J.P. Tessonnier, B. Louis, M.J. Ledoux, C. Pham-Huu. Green catalysis for production of chemicals and CO-free hydrogen. Catalysis Communications 8 (11), 2007, 1787-1792.

G. Winé, M.J. Ledoux and C. Pham-Huu. Supported Beta zeolite on preshaped β-SiC as clean Friedel-Crafts liquid-phase catalyst. Topics in Catalysis 45 (1-4), 2007, 111-116

G. Winé, Z. El-Berrichi and C. Pham-Huu.BETA zeolite supported on silicon carbide for Friedel-Crafts fixed-bed reactions. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A:Chemical 278 (1-2), 2007, 64-71.