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Physical-chemistry of the atmosphere

The laboratory

Institut de Chimie et Procédés pour l'Energie, l'Environnment et la Santé

Equipe "Physico-Chimie de l'Atmosphère"
1, rue Blessig
67084 STRASBOURG Cedex

The team : Stéphane LE CALVE (CR CNRS), Maurice MILLET (PU UdS), Jean-Luc PONCHE (MdC UdS)

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Fiche de compétence du LMSPC

      Doctoral Publications in progress

      H. Fathallah, Automatisation et mise en réseau Spécification  et validation d'un capteur de formaldéhyde intelligentde services de communication  pour la surveillance de la qualité de l’air intérieur. dir. S. Le Calvé et E. Rondeau (CRAN Nancy).

      M. Guglielmino, Développement d’une nouvelle méthode analytique du formaldéhyde basée sur un dispositif microfluidique, dir. S. Le Calvé et C. Serra (ICPEES).

      M. Lévy, Développement de nouveaux adsorbants pour l’échantillonnage passifs de polluants organiques semi-volatils dans l’atmosphère. Dir. M. Millet.

      C. Liaud, Développement de Stratégies Analytiques pour le suivi des COV et COSV en Air Intérieur. dir. M. Millet et S. Le Calvé.

      T. Mokalled, Qualité de l’air intérieur et extérieur à proximité de l’aéroport de Beyrouth. dir. S. Le Calvé et J. Gérard (Liban).

      R. Nasredine, Développement d’un microanalyseur de BTEX. dir. S. Le Calvé et C. Serra (ICPEES).

      M. Rizk, Développement, validation et mise en œuvre sur le terrain d’une méthode de caractérisation in-situ des processus de sorption des COV par les matériaux de construction. dir. S. Le Calvé et N. Locoge (EM Douai).

      Completed Dissertations since 2007

      Caroline Raeppel : "Etude de la contamination de l’air intérieur et extérieur par des pesticides d’usage non agricole". 16 novembre 2012. Dir. : M. Millet.

      Guéguen Florence - "Caractérisation de l'impact des émissions industrielles de Strasbourg-Kehl sur l'environnement urbain et rural (par prélèvement passif et bio-monitoring). Etude des polluants organiques (PCBs), métaux et traçage isotopique sur les aérosols et biomonitors". 21 octobre 2011. Dir. : P. Stille et M. Millet.

      Jamal Alchami, 30 septembre 2011, "Développement d’une nouvelle technique d’extraction d’échantillons atmosphériques utilisant l’ASE et développment d’un nouveau collecteur pour évaluer la répartition gaz-particules de polluants organiques persistants".

      Coline Druart, 4 mai 2011, « Effets des pesticides sur le cycle biologique de l’escargot dans divers contextes d’exposition (air, sol, nourriture) », Co-direction M. Millet et A. de Vaufleury (Univ Franche Comté).

      Wuyin Zheng, 21 octobre 2010,  « Développement d’un analyseur rapide et transportable du formaldéhyde dans l’air ».

      Claude Schummer, 21 septembre 2010,   "Evaluation de l'intérêt de l'échantillonnage passif d'air et des analyses de cheveux dans le biomonitoring de l'exposition humaine aux hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAPs) et aux pesticides".

      Mélanie Petitjean,  20 Septembre 2010,  "Interactions des composés organiques volatils avec des surfaces de glace pure ou dopée, représentatives des conditions atmosphériques rencontrées dans la moyenne et haute troposphère. Application à la chimie des nuages mixtes et des cirrus".

      Eneida Reyes Perez, 20 mai 2009, "Devenir atmosphérique des produits phyto-sanitaires"

      Delhomme Olivier - "Etude de la variabilité et de l'évolution de la composition chimique de l'aérosol organique en fonction du lieu et de la période de prélèvement" (4 avril 2008) - dir. M. Millet

      Allou Lyassine - "Chimie multiphasique et mesures des concentrations des aldéhydes et des composés aromatiques dans l'air" (23 juillet 2008) - dir. S. Le Calvé, P. Mirabel

      Lahd-Geagea Majdi, décembre 2007, "Traçage isotopique des particules atmosphériques. Identification des sources", Dir. : P. Stille et M. Millet.

      Academic Publications since 2007

      Articles published in journals


      Cl. Schummer, B. M. Appenzeller, M. Millet. Monitoring of spatial and temporal variations of Polycyclic aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the atmosphere of southern Luxembourg using XAD-2 resin based passive samplers. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2014), 21, 2098–2107.

      C. Raeppel, M. FabritiusS, M. Nief, B.M.R Appenzeller, M Millet. Coupling ASE, silylation and SPME-GC/MS for the analysis of current-used pesticides in atmosphere. Talanta, (2014), 121, 24-29.

      M. Lefrancq, S. Payraudeau, A. Joaquín García Verdú, E. Maillard, M. Millet & G. Imfeld. Transport of cyazofamid and kresoxim methyl in runoff at the plot and catchment scales. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2014), sous presse.

      J. Gasperi, C. Sebastian, V. Ruban, S. Percot, L. Wiest, C. Mirande, E. Caupos, D. Demare, M. Diallo Kessoo, M. Saad, J-J.Schwartz, P. Dubois, C. Fratta, H. Wolff, R. Moilleron, G. Chebbo, C. Cren, M. Millet, S. Barraud, MC. Gromaire. Micropollutant contamination of urban stormwater: new insights based on an extended French dataset. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2014), sous presse.


      A. Allouch, S. Le Calvé, Ch. A. Serra, Portable, miniature, fast and high sensitive real-time analyzers: BTEX detection, Sensors and Actuators B Chemical, sous presse.

      A. Allouch, M. Guglielmino, P. Bernhardt, Ch. A. Serra, S. Le Calvé, Portable, miniature, fast and high sensitive near real-time analyzers: formaldehyde detection, Sensors and Actuators B : chemistry, 181, 551-558, 2013.

      F. Gueguen, P. Stille & M. Millet. Optimisation and application of accelerated solvent extraction and flash chromatography for quantification of PCBs in tree barks and XAD-2 passive samplers using GC-ECD with dual columns. Talanta, (2013), 111 (15), 140-146.

      F. Gueguen, M. Millet, P. Stille. Persistent organic pollutants in the atmosphere from urban and industrial environments in the Rhine Valley: PCBs, PCDD/Fs. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2013), 20, 3852-3862.

      M. Lefrancq, G. Imfeld, S. Payraudeau, M. Millet. Kresoxim methyl deposition, drift and runoff in a vineyard catchment. Science of the Total Environment, (2013), 442, 503-508.

      L. Janke, A.O.S. Lima, M. Millet, C.M. Radetski. Development and application of a methodology for a clean development mechanism to avoid methane emissions in closed landfills. Environmental Technology (2013), 34(8), 2607-2616.

      S. Percot, V. Ruban, P. Rouspard, D. Maro, M. Millet. Beryllium-7 as a tracer of metals, pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban aerosol in Nantes, France. Atmospheric Environment, (2013), 74, 338-345.

      H. Toumi, M. Boumaiza, M. Millet, C.M. Radetski, V. Felten, C. Fouque, J.F. Férard. Effects of deltamethrin (pyrethroid insecticide) on growth, reproduction, embryonic development and sex differentiation in two strains of Daphnia magna (Crustacea, Cladocera). Science of The Total Environment, (2013), 458, 47-53.


      P.E. Kastner, S. Le Calvé, W. Zheng, A. Casset, F. Pons. A dynamic system for single and repeated exposure of airway epithelial cells to gaseous pollutants. Toxicology In Vitro, doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2012.11.011, 2012.

      O. Delhomme & M. Millet. Azaarenes in atmospheric particulate matter samples of three different urban sites in east of France.Atmospheric Environment, (2012), 47, 541-545.

      O. Delhomme & M. Millet. Characterization of particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the east of France urban areas. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2012), 19(5), 1791-1799.

      L. Tuduri, M. Millet, O. Briand & M. Montury. Passive air sampling of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, (2012), 31, 38-49.

      Cl. Schummer, G. Salquèbre, O. Briand, M. Millet & B.M.R. Appenzeller. Determination of farm workers’ exposure to pesticides by hair analysis.Toxicology Letters, (2012), 210(2), 203-210.

      Cl. Schummer, L. Tuduri, O. Briand, B.M.R. Appenzeller & M. Millet. Application of XAD-2 resin-based Passive Samplers and SPME-GC-MS/MS Analysis for the Monitoring of Spatial and Temporal Variations of Atmospheric Pesticides in Luxembourg. Environmental Pollution, (2012), 170, 88-94.


      L. Allou, L. El Maimouni, S. Le Calvé *, Henry's Law Constant measurements for formaldehyde and benzaldehyde as a function of temperature and water composition, Atmos. Environ., 45, 2991-2998, 2011.

      O.Delhomme, C. Raeppel, O. Briand & M. Millet. Analytical method for assessing potential dermal exposure to pesticides of a non-agricultural occupationally exposed population. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, (2011), 399, 1325-1334.

      C. Druart, O.Delhomme, A. de Vaufleury, E. Ntchoe & M. Millet. Optimization of extraction procedure and chromatographic separation of glyphosate, glufosinate and aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) in soil. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, (2011), 399:1725–1732.

      C. Druart, M. Millet, R. Scheifler, O. Delhomme & A. de Vaufleury. Glyphosate and glufosinate-based herbicides: fate in soil, transfer to and effects on land snails. Journal of Soils and Sediments, (2011), sous presse.

      A. Muñoz, A. Le Person, S. Le Calvé, A. Mellouki *, E. Borrás, V. Daële, T. Vera, Studies on atmosheric degradation of diazinon in the Euphore simulation chamber, Chemosphere, sous presse.


      O. Delhomme, S. Morville & M. Millet. Seasonal and diurnal variations of atmospheric concentrations of phenols and nitrophenols measured in the Strasbourg area, France Atmospheric Pollution Research, (2010), .1, 16-22.

      P.E. Kastner, S. Le Calvé, L Diss, V. Sauveplane, R. Franke, L. Schreiber, F. Pinot * Specific accumulation of CYP94A1 transcripts after exposure to gaseous benzaldehyde: induction of lauric acid -hydroxylase activity in Vicia sativa exposed to atmospheric pollutants, Environ. Research, doi:10.1016/j.envres.2010.09.014, 2010.

      S. Morville, O., Delhomme & M. Millet. Seasonal and diurnal variations of PAH concentrations between rural, suburban and urban areas. Atmospheric Pollution Research, (2010), sous presse.

      E. Mothiron, Cl. Schummer, A.-L. Rizet, B.M.R. Appenzeller, R. Wennig & M. Millet. Temporal variations of concentrations of currently used pesticides in the atmosphere of an urban area (Strasbourg, France) Environmental Pollution, (2010), 158. 576-584.

      M. Petitjean, Ph. Mirabel et S. Le Calvé *, Vapour pressure Measurements of hydroxyacetaldehyde and hydroxyacetone in the temperature range 273-356 K, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 55, 852-855, 2010.

      M. Petitjean, G. Hantal, C. Chauvin, Ph. Mirabel, S. Le Calvé *, P.N.M. Hoang, S. Picaud*, P. Jedlovszky*, Adsorption of Benzaldehyde at the Surface of Ice, Studied by Experimental Method and Computer Simulation, Langmuir, DOI: 10.1021/la100169h, 26, 9596-9606, 2010.

      M. Petitjean, M. Darvas, S. Le Calvé *, P. Jedlovszky, S. Picaud*, Adsorption of Hydroxyacetone on pure ice surfaces, Chem. Phys. Chem., DOI: 10.1002/cphc.201000629, 11, 3921-3927, 2010.

      L. Poulain *, Y. Katrib, E. Isikli, Y. Liu, H. Wortham, Ph. Mirabel, S. Le Calvé, A. Monod, In-cloud multiphase behaviour of acetone in the troposphere: gas uptake, Henry’s law equilibrium and aqueous phase photooxidation, Chemosphere, 81, 312-320, 2010.

      Cl. Schummer, E. Mothiron, B.M.R. Appenzeller, R. Wennig & M. Millet. Gas/Particle partitioning of currently used pesticides in the atmosphere of Strasbourg (France) Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, (2010), 3, 171-181


      M. Petitjean, Ph. Mirabel et S. Le Calvé, Uptake measurements of acetaldehyde on solid ice surfaces and on solid/liquid supercooled mixtures doped with HNO3 in the temperature range 203-253K, J. Phys. Chem. A, 113, 5091-5098, 2009.

      Cl. Schummer, B. M Appenzeller, M. Millet & R. Wennig. Determination of hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (OH-PAH) in hair by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in negative chemical ionization mode. Journal of Chromatography A, (2009), 1216, 6012–6019.

      Cl. Schummer, O. Delhomme, B. M Appenzeller, R. Wennig, M. Millet. Comparison of MTBSTFA and BSTFA in derivatization reactions of polar compounds prior to GC/MS analysis. Talanta, (2009), 77, 1473-1482.

      Cl. Schummer, Ch. Groff, J. Al Chami, F. Jaber & M. Millet Analysis of phenols and nitrophenols in rainwater collected simultaneously on an urban and rural site in east of France. Science of the Total Environment, (2009), 407,5637-5643.

      J. Wang, L. Tuduri, M. Mercury, M. Millet, O. Briand & M. Montury . Flexibility of solid phase microextraction for passive sampling of atmospheric pesticides Journal of Chromatography A, (2009), 1216, 3031–3037.


      Allou L., Marchand C., Mirabel P., Le Calvé S. Aldehydes and BTEX measurements and exposures in university libraries in Strasbourg (France). Indoor and Built Environment, 2008, 17, 2, 138-145; doi: 10.1177/1420326X08089547

      Aouad G.; Crovisier J.L.; Damidot D.; Stille P.; Hutchens E.; Mutterer J.; Meyer J.M.; Geoffroy V.A.     2006.403 Interactions between Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator  bottom ash and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Sci. Total Environ., 2008, 393, 2-3, p. 385-393. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.01.017.

      Delhomme O., Millet M., Herckes P. Determination of oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric aerosol samples by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Talanta, 2008, 74, 4, p. 703-710. doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2007.06.037

      Glorennec P, Bonvallot N, Mandin C, Goupil G., Pernelet-Joly V., Millet M., Filleul L., Le Moullec Y., Alary R.Is a quantitative risk assessment of air quality in underground parking garages possible? Indoor Air, 2008, 18, 4, 283-292. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0668.2008.00529.x

      Lahd Geagea M., Stille P., Gauthier-Lafaye F., Millet M. 2007.206 Tracing of industrial aerosol sources in an urban environment using Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopes. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2008, 42, 3, 692 - 698. doi: 10.1021/es071704c

      Marchand C.; Le Calvé  S.; Mirabel  P.; Glasser N.; Casset A.; Schneider N.; De Blay F. Concentrations and determinants of gaseous aldehydes in 162 homes in Strasbourg (France). Atmos. Environ., 2008, 42, 3, p. 505-516. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2007.09.054

      Paoli R., Vancassel X., Garnier F., Mirabel P. Large-eddy simulation of a turbulent jet and a vortex sheet interaction: Particle formation and evolution in the near field of an aircraft wake.  Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 2008, 17, 2, 131-144. doi: 10.1127/0941-2948/2008/0278

      Reyes Perez E., Le Calvé  S., Mirabel P. Near-UV molar absorptivities of alachlor, mecroprop-p, pendimethalin, propanil and trifluralin in methanol. J. Photochem. Photobiol. A-Chem., 2008, 193, 2-3, p. 237-244. doi:10.1016/j.jphotochem.2007.07.001

      Reyes Perez E., Le Calvé  S., Mirabel P. UV absorption spectrum and Henry's law constant of EPTC. Atmos. Environ., 2008, 42, 34, 7940-7946. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.07.017

      Sauret N., Wortham H., Putaud J.P., Mirabel P. Study of the effects of environmental parameters on the gas/particle partitioning of current-use pesticides in urban air. Atmos. Environ., 2008, 42, 3, p. 544-553. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2007.09.012

      Scheyer A., Morville S., Mirabel P., Millet M. Gas/Particle partitioning of lindane and current-used pesticides and their relationship with temperature in urban and rural air in Alsace region (East of France). Atmos. Environ., 2008, 42, 33, 7695-7705. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.05.029


      *L. Allou, C. Marchand, S. Le Calvé *, Ph. Mirabel, Aldehydes and BTEX measurements and exposures in university libraries in Strasbourg (France), Indoor Build Environment, sous presse.

      *O. Delhomme, E. Rieb and M. Millet, Solid-Phase Extraction and LC with Fluorescence Detection for Analysis of PAHs in Rainwater, Chromatographia, , 65, 163–171, 2007.

      O. Delhomme, M. Millet & P. Herckes Determination of oxygenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in atmospheric aerosol samples by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Talanta (2007), sous presse.

      O. Delhomme, P. Herckes & M. Millet Determination of nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric aerosols using HPLC fluorescence with post-column derivatisation technique. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2007), sous presse.

      *F. Jaber, C. Schummer, J. Al Chami, P. Mirabel and M. Millet, Solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry for analysis of phenols and nitrophenols in rainwater, as their t-butyldimethylsilyl derivatives, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 387, 2527-2535, 2007.

      *F. Jaber, C. Schummer, J. Al Chami, P. Mirabel and M. Millet, Analysis of phenols and nitrophenols as their t-butyldimethylsilyl derivatives in rainwater using solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 387, 2527-2535 2007).

      M. Kerbrat, S. Le Calvé, Ph. Mirabel, Uptake measurements of ethanol on nitric acid doped-ice surfaces between 213 and 243 K, J. Phys. Chem. A, 111,  925 – 931, 2007.

      M. Lahd Geagea, P. Stille, M. Millet & Th. Perrone REE characteristics and Pb, Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of steel plant emissions. The Science of the Total Environment, 373 (2007) 404–419.

      M. Lahd Geagea, P. stille, F. Gauthier-Lafaye & M. Millet Tracing of industrial aerosol sources in an urban environment using Pb, Sr, Nd and C isotopes. Environmental science and Technology, (2007), sous presse.

      *A. Lottmann, E. Cadé, M. Lahd Geagea, O. Delhomme, C. Grand, C. Veilleraud, A.-L Rizet, P. Mirabel and M. Millet, Separation of molecular tracers sorbed onto atmospheric particulate matter by flash chromatography, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 387, 1855-1861, 2007.

      *C. Marchand, S. Le Calvé *, Ph. Mirabel, N. Glasser, A. Casset, N. Schneider, F. de Blay, Indoor aldehydes concentrations and determinants in 162 homes in Strasbourg (France), Atmos. Environ., sous presse.

      *C. Marchand, S. Le Calvé, P. Mirabel, N. Glasser, A. Casset, N. Schneider and F. de Blay, Exposure To Formaldehyde In Asthmatic And Control Dwellings In The Area Of Strasbourg (France), Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 119, S267, 2007.

      F. Palluau, Ph. Mirabel, M. Millet, Influence of relative humidity and ozone on the sampling of volatile organic compounds on Carbotrap/Carbosieve adsorbents, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 127, 177-187, 2007.

      F. Palluau, Ph. Mirabel, M. Millet, Influence of ozone on the sampling and storage of Volatile Organic Compounds in Canisters, Environmental Chemistry letters,  Environmental Chemistry Letters., 5, 51-55, (2007)

      R. Paoli, X. Vancassel, F. Garnier, Ph. Mirabel, Large-eddy simulation of a turbulent jet and wake vortex interaction: particle formation and evolution in the near-field of an aircraft, Zeitschrift für Meteorologie, acceptée, sous presse 2007.

      *E. Reyes-Pérez, S. Le Calvé *, Ph. Mirabel, Near-UV molar absorptivities of alachlor, mecoprop-p, pendimethalin, propanil and trifluralin in methanol, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chemistry, doi:10.1016/j.jphotochem.2007.07.001, 2007.

      *A. Scheyer, S. Morville, Mirabel, Ph., Millet, M., Pesticides analysed in rainwater in Alsace region (Eastern France). Comparison between urban and rural sites, Atmospheric Environment, soumise, janv. 2007. In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 24 May 2007,

      Simon, Valérie / Dumergues, Laurent / Ponche, Jean-Luc / Torres, Liberto , The biogenic volatile organic compounds emission inventory in France: application to plant ecosystems in the Berre-Marseilles area (France), The Science of the total environment, 372 (1), p.164-182, Dec 2006

      *G. Vincent, M-CH. Kopferschmitt-Kubler, Ph. Mirabel, G. Pauli, M. Millet, Sampling and Analysis of Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QACs) Traces in Indoor Atmosphere, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, DOI 10.1007/s10661-006-9556-3 (2007).

      F. Palluau, Ph. Mirabel, M. Millet, Influence of ozone on the sampling and storage of Volatile Organic Compounds in Canisters, Environmental Chemistry letters,  5, Number 2, doi 10.1007/s10311-006-0090-x,  2007

      *E. Reyes-Pérez, S. Le Calvé *, Ph. Mirabel, UV absorption spectrum and Henry's law constant of EPTC, Atmos. Environ., sous presse.

      *Anne Scheyer, Stéphane Morville, Philippe Mirabel and Maurice Millet, Variability of atmospheric pesticide concentrations between urban and rural areas during intensive pesticide application, Atmospheric Environment,  41, 3604–3618 (2007)

      *A. Scheyer, O. Briand, S. Morville, Ph. Mirabel & M. Millet, Analysis of trace levels of pesticides in rainwater by SPME and GC-tandem mass spectrometry after derivatisation with PFFBr, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry,  387,  359-368, 2007.

      A. Scheyer, S. Morville, Ph. Mirabel & M. Millet A. Pesticides analysed in rainwater in Alsace region (Eastern France). Comparison between urban and rural sites. Atmospheric Environment (2007), 41, 7241–7252

      G. Vincent, M-Ch. Kopferschmitt-Kubler, Ph. Mirabel, G. Pauli, M. Millet Sampling and Analysis of Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QACs) Traces in Indoor Atmosphere. Environ. Monit. Assess. 133, 25-30 (2007).


      S. Le Calvé, W. Zheng, J.-L. Ponche, P. Bernhardt, Dispositif et procédé de détermination de la concentration d’un composé dans une phase aqueuse ou gazeuse, brevet français FR2946751, publié le 17 décembre 2010.