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Microbial ecophysiology

The laboratory

"Génétique Moléculaire, Génomique, Microbiologie"

Département "Microorganismes, Génomes, Environnement"
Equipe"Ecophysiologie moléculaire des micro-organismes", coordinatrice du GDR CNRS "Métabolisme de l'arsenic"
28, rue Goethe
67083 STRASBOURG Cedex

Person in charge of the team : Philippe BERTIN, PR UdS

Team : Marie-Claire LETT (PR UdS), Didier LIEVREMONT(MdC UdS), Florence ARSENE-PLOETZE (MdC UdS)

Web site :

    Doctoral Dissertations in progress

    Geist Lucie : "Mécanismes de survie au sein d’un biofilm en réponse aux contraintes environnementales et applications potentielles aux processus de détoxication ou de corrosion des métaux"

    Delavat François : "Métagénomique inverse : des génomes à la culture des bactéries non-cultivables".

    Halter David : "Approche fonctionnelle d’une communauté bactérienne issue d’une environnement contaminé par l’arsenic"

    Completed Dissertations since 2009

    Cleiss-Arnold Jessica, « Réponse bactérienne au stress arsénié ». Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Strasbourg. (2010)

    Marchal Marie,  « Etude des biofilms bactériens arsénite-oxydants ». Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Strasbourg. (2010)

    Heinrich-Salmeron Audrey, "Diversité des mécanismes d’oxydo-réduction de l’arsenic chez les bactéries : des souches cultivables aux communautés". Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Strasbourg. (2009)

    Academic Publications since 2007

    Articles published in journals


    Bertin, P. N., A. Heinrich-Salmeron, E. Pelletier, F. Goulhen-Chollet, F. Arsène-Ploetze, S. Gallien, B. Lauga, C. Casiot, A. Calteau, D. Vallenet, V. Bonnefoy, O. Bruneel, B. Chane-Woon-Ming, J. Cleiss-Arnold, R. Duran, F. Elbaz-Poulichet, N. Fonknechten, L. Giloteaux, D. Halter, S. Koechler, M. Marchal, D. Mornico, C. Schaeffer, A. A. T. Smith, A. Van Dorsselaer, J. Weissenbach, C. Médigue, et D. Le Paslier. Metabolic diversity among main microorganisms inside an arsenic-rich ecosystem revealed by meta- and proteo-genomics. ISME J. . (2011) in press,

    David Halter, Corinne Casiot, Hermann Heipieper, Frédéric Plewniak, Marie Marchal, Stéphane Simon, Florence Arsène-Ploetze, Philippe Bertin. Surface properties and intracellular speciation revealed an original adaptive mechanism to arsenic in the acid mine drainage bio-indicator Euglena mutabilis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. . (2011)  in press

    David Halter, Audrey Cordi, Simonetta Gribaldo, Sébastien Gallien, Florence Goulhen-Chollet, Audrey Heinrich-Salmeron, Christine Carapito, Christophe Pagnout, Didier Montaut, Fabienne Seby, Alain Van Dorsselaer, Christine Schaeffer, Philippe N. Bertin, Pascale Bauda, Florence Arsène-Ploetze. Taxonomic and functional prokaryote diversity in mildly arsenic contaminated sediments. Res. Microbiol. (2011). in press

    Heinrich-Salmeron, A., A. Cordi, C. Brochier-Armanet, D. Halter, C. Pagnout, E. Abbaszadeh-Fard, D. Montaut, F. Seby, P. N. Bertin, P. Bauda, et F. Arsène-Ploetze. Unsuspected diversity of arsenite-oxidizing bacteria revealed by a widespread distribution of the aoxB gene in prokaryotes. Appl Environ Microbiol. (2011). 77, 4685-92

    Marie Marchal, Romain Briandet, David Halter, Sandrine Koechler, Michael S. DuBow, Marie-Claire Lett, Philippe N. Bertin.. Subinhibitory Arsenite Concentration Leads to Population Dispersal in Thiomonas sp. PLoS one. (2011) in press


    Arsène-Ploetze F, Koechler S, Marchal M, Coppée JY, Chandler M, Bonnefoy V, Brochier-Armanet C, Barakat M, Barbe V, Battaglia-Brunet F, Bruneel O, Bryan CG, Cleiss-Arnold J, Cruveiller S, Erhardt M, Heinrich-Salmeron A, Hommais F, Joulian C, Krin E, Lieutaud A, Lièvremont D, Michel C, Muller D, Ortet P, Proux C, Siguier P, Roche D, Rouy Z, Salvignol G, Slyemi D, Talla E, Weiss S, Weissenbach J, Médigue C, Bertin PN. Structure, function, and evolution of the Thiomonas spp. genome. PLoS Genet. (2010). 6(2):e1000859.

    Cleiss-Arnold J, Koechler S, Proux C, Fardeau ML, Dillies MA, Coppee JY, Arsene-Ploetze F, Bertin PN. Temporal transcriptomic response during arsenic stress in Herminiimonas arsenicoxydans. BMC Genomics. (2010). 17 ;11(1):709.

    Egal M., Casiot C., Morin G., Elbaz-Poulichet F. Cordier M.A. Bruneel O. An updated insight into the natural attenuation of As concentrations 3 in Reigous Creek (southern France). Applied Geochemistry. 25, 1949–1957 (2010).

    Josset S., Taranto J., Keller N., Keller-Spitzer V., and Lett M-C.Photocatalytic treatment of bioaerosols: impact of the reactor design.  Envir. Sciences & Technol, 44(7):2605-11 (2010)

    Josset S., HajiesmailiS., Begin D., Edouard D., Pham-Huu C., Lett M-C., Keller N., Keller V. J. UV-Aphotocatalytic treatment of Legionella pneumophila bacteria contaminated airflows through three-dimensional solid foam structured photocatalytic reactors.  Hazardous Materials, 175 : 372-381 (2010)

    Koechler S, Cleiss-Arnold J, Proux C, Sismeiro O, Dillies MA, Goulhen-Chollet F, Hommais F, Lièvremont D, Arsène-Ploetze F, Coppée JY, Bertin PN. Multiple controls affect arsenite oxidase gene expression in Herminiimonas arsenicoxydans. BMC Microbiol. (2010). 10:53.

    Lieutaud A, van Lis R, Duval S, Capowiez L, Muller D, Lebrun R, Lignon S, Fardeau ML, Lett MC, Nitschke W, Schoepp-Cothenet B. Arsenite oxidase from Ralstonia sp. 22 : characterization of the enzyme and its interaction with soluble cytochromes. J Biol Chem. 2 ;285(27):20433-41. (2010).

    Marchal M., Briandet R., Koechler, S., Kammerer B., Bertin P.N. Effect of arsenite on swimming motility delays the surface colonization in Herminiimonas arsenicoxydans. Microbiology, (2010). 156(8):2336-42


    Bryan C.G., Marchal M., Battaglia-Brunet F., Kugler V., Lemaitre-Guillier C., Lièvremont D., Bertin P.N., Arsène-Ploetze F. (2009) Carbon and arsenic metabolism in Thiomonas strains: differences revealed diverse adaptation processes. BMC Microbiol., 9 : 127.

    Goulhen-Chollet F., Josset S., Keller N., Keller-Spitzer V. and Lett M-C A biochemical approach of UV-A photocatalysis over microorganisms through 1D and 2D protein electrophoresis. Catalysis Today 147 (2009), pp. 169-172

    Lièvremont D., Bertin P.N., Lett M.C. (2009) Arsenic in contaminated waters : biogeochemical cycle, microbial metabolism and biotreatment processes. Biochimie, 91 : 1229–1237.

    Perdrial J.N., Warr L.N. Perdrial N., Lett M.-C. & Elsass F. Interaction between smectite and bacteria: implications for bentonite as backfill material in the nuclear waste disposal. Chemical Geology (2009) 264 (1-4) : 281-294

    Weiss S., Carapito C., Cleiss J., Koechler S., Turlin E., Coppee J.Y., Heymann M., Kugler V., Stauffert M., Cruveiller S., Médigue C., Van Dorsselaer A., Bertin P.N., Arsène-Ploetze F. (2009) Enhanced structural and functional genome elucidation of the arsenite-oxidizing strain Herminiimonas arsenicoxydans by proteomics data. Biochimie, 91 : 192-203.


    Bertin P.N., Médigue C., Normand P. (2008) Advances in environmental genomics : towards an integrated view of microorganisms and ecosystems. Microbiology, 154 : 347-359.

    Duquesne K., Lieutaud A., Ratouchniak J., Muller D., Lett M-C., Bonnefoy V. (2008)Arsenite oxidation by a chemoautotrophic  moderately acidophilic Thiomonas sp. : from the strain isolation to the gene study. Environ Microbiol. 10 (1):228-37

    Josset S., Keller N., Lett M-C., Ledoux M., Keller V. Numeration methods for targeting photoactive materials in the UV-A photocatalytic removal of microorganisms. Chem. Soc. Rev. 37 : 744-755 (2008).

    Marcellino S., Attar H., Lièvremont D., Lett M-C., Barbier F. &  Lagarde F. (2008) Heat-treated Saccharomyces cerevisiae for antimony speciation and antimony(III) preconcentration in water samples. Analytica Chemica Acta (2008) 629 : 73-83

    Quéméneur M., Heinrich-Salmeron A., Bertin P.N., Jauzein M., Muller D., Lièvremont D., Garrido F., Joulian C. (2008) Evolutionary relationships and diversity surveys of
 aoxB genes in aerobic arsenite-oxidizing bacteria. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 74 : 4567-4573.


    Filella M., Belzile N., Lett M.-C.  (2007) Antimony in the environment : a review focused on natural waters.  III. Microbiota relevant interactions. Earth-Science Reviews, 80 : 195-217

    Josset S., Taranto J., Keller N., Keller V., Lett M-C., Ledoux M., Bonnet V., Rougeau S. UV-A photocatalytic treatment of high flow rate air contaminated with Legionella pneumophila. Catalysis Today 129 (1-2) : 215-222 (2007)

    Muller D., Médigue C., Koechler S., Barbe V., Barakat M., Talla E., Bonnefoy V., Krin E., Arsène-Ploetze F., Carapito C., Chandler M., Cournoyer B., Cruveiller S., Dossat C., Duval S., Heymann M., Leize E., Lieutaud A., Lièvremont D., Makita Y., Mangenot S., Nitschke W., Ortet P., Perdrial N., Schoepp B., Siguier P., Simeonova D.D., Rouy Z., Segurens B., Turlin E., Vallenet D., Van Dorsselaer A., Weiss S., Weissenbach J., Lett M.C., Danchin A., Bertin P.N. (2007) A tale of two oxydation states : bacterial colonization of arsenic-rich environments. PLoS Genet., e53.