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The network REALISE

In Alsace, most scientific skills and know-how in the environmental field are integrated in the REseau Alsace de Laboratoires en Ingénierie et Sciences pour l’Environnement (REALISE). This network sets out to structure regional environmental research.

The REALISE network also acts in other fields :

  • environment training development in the two local universities (Strasbourg and Upper Alsace), included in the Master “Ingénierie et Géosciences pour l'Environnement”,
  • collaboration with local enterprises involved in the environment.

This network brings together some 170 researchers from 18 research units from the main scientific structures of the region : University of Strasbourg, Haute Alsace University (Mulhouse, Colmar), CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), Strasbourg Teaching Hospital, and ENGEES (Ecole National de Gestion de l’Eau et de l’Environnement de Strasbourg (a national school of environmental hydraulics).

These research teams cover four major scientific fields : Physical Chemistry  of natural environment, Life Sciences, Process Engineering and Social Sciences and Humanities.

REALISE research work relates to the Upper Rhine area and deals with four main, complementary topics concerning environmental issues in Alsace :

  • dynamics and transfer processes in continental ecosystems and hydrosystems,
  • natural and anthropogenic risks,
  • pollution prevention and  remediation processes, catalysis, environment  and new energies.
  • environmental issues and  territorial policy.